You Found Me Part 1

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This chapter is a little heavy.

I open my eyes and go bright red as Noir's nose is touching mine, Apparently we changed positions while sleeping. Both of us are on our sides facing each other hence the nose touching.

I can't tell if Noir is awake or not, I gently move my hand to his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. He lets out a soft sigh and brushes his nose past mine "A-Are you awake Noiry?" I ask quietly blushing more if possible. He gives me a small nod and I smile softly "Did you sleep well?" I ask still stroking his cheek with my thumb.

He nods again and leans into my touch "Did you sleep well?" He whispers making me smile brightly "I did Noiry, You give amazing hugs" I kiss the mask nose and I swear I feel his cheek get hotter through it "Noiry...Are you blushing under there?" I ask teasingly.

He snorts and sits up pulling me into his lap, He leans in brushing his masked lips past my ear "I-Is it b-bad if I-I was?" He...freaking...Stutters! I cup both of his cheeks making him look at me "Not at all Noiry, I think it's adorable. I just wish I could touch you without the mask..."I almost whisper the last part.

He seems to think briefly before sitting me on the bed and leaving the room?? Did I upset him?

Before I can think about it too much he comes back holding a piece of black fabric, He holds it up proudly as he closes the bedroom door.

He walks over to me and kneels, He taps his head for me to listen in on his thoughts, I do so immediately.

"Do you trust me?" He asks, I instantly nod "Of course I do Noiry" I smile. He softly coos and gently ties the fabric around my head covering my eyes. I gasp and blush, Is he doing what I think hes doing? I hear a little bit of movement before I feel his hands around mine! His skin! He took off his gloves! His hands are a little rough but I like it. He gently guides my hands until they're cupping his cheeks and I immediately freeze...His mask is off! I can feel his skin here too, I gently stroke his cheeks then trail my fingers all over his face carefully. I can feel him breathing a little heavier. I trace every line and curve of his face before gently brushing my fingers over his lips, They are so soft. I then move my hands to his hair and run my fingers through it, It's a little sweaty from the mask but a really good length.

I give his hair a gentle tug, He growls and within a half second his lips are on mine, He kisses me so gently like he's afraid I'll break. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him harder hoping to coax him into being less gentle.

It seems to work because he immediately kisses me like a man starved. He groans and slides his tongue past my lips. I whine kissing him deeply, I push my body closer to him. He moves his hands to my hips pulling me flush against him, I moan as he squeezes my hips and nip his lip. I trail my hands over his shoulders feeling him shudder. He leans his head on mine breathing heavily. "W-We can't...Homelander will know" Noir whispers clearly pained.

I sigh and pull away "N-Noiry...I'm just glad I got to do that once" I whisper, He cups my cheeks hearing the change in my tone "W-What are you planning?" He asks quietly before I can answer he moves his hands and I hear movement, He removes the fabric and I'm a little disappointed to see his masked face...He kneels in front of me and waits.

I take a breath and look away "Homelander...I'm going after him. I want to hurt him like he hurt me Noiry. I have to try he can't get away with it...He lasered my leg off! And he's probably walking around thinking thats ok..." My eyes glow as Noir cups my cheeks and vigorously shakes his head "Y-You'll die..." He whimpers and my heart breaks a little. I gently kiss his masked lips and pull away "I know...I'm sorry Noiry. Don't try and avenge me ok?" I get up and dressed before teleporting out.


I appear in a motel room and hear 4 screams "Raven?!" Hughie yells then hugs me almost crushingly tight "H-Hey Hughie" I sniffle hugging back and burying my face into his chest "Are you ok?! Starlight said Homelander had you..." Hughie pets my hair softly and I pull back "H-He did...He lasered my leg off Hughie" I cry and he immediately hugs me to him again. I can literally feel everyones confusion no doubt noticing my lack of loss of leg.

I pull away from Hughie as I hear a gun being cocked "If the cunt lasered it off...How is it still attatched? That is a shite lie Love" Butcher says quietly and when I look at him he has the gun raised at me. I wipe my eyes and nod "I understand the confusion...My bestfriend Dru is a supe. She has magic, She fixed it for me. I'm not going to be around long Billy...Please lower the gun" I sit on the bed and he does lower it his eyes immediately less harsh most likely over me using his first name.

"What are you talking about?" He asks sitting beside me. Everyone looks at me expectantly "I'm going after Homelander...And I most likely won't make it out. I love you Hughie, Please don't do anything stupid ok? And Butcher? I wish we had more time together so you'd maybe not hate me...Take care of Hughie for me, Please?" I look at Butcher with tears in my eyes. I swear I can see his hard exterior crack a little, He kisses me super softly and I whimper before hugging him "I promise Love..." He whispers hugging back. I pull away and hug Hughie as I see him crying "N-No no Raven p-please, I need y-you. Y-You can't leave me" He sobs into my neck and its almost enough for me to change my mind, Almost. I cup his cheeks and kiss his head "I-I have to try Hughie...I'm so so sorry" I teleport out of there to a random park, I fall to my knees and start sobbing.

This hurt me to write , Especially the end there. 


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