The Female Of The Species Filler/Ending.

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I got back to the group later in the night. They found the Asian girl and are keeping her in a very run-down but working building. She is very twitchy I can quite literally feel her emotions and they are all over the place, She is angry as hell and anxious and sad.

I walk over to her room and kneel down keeping my distance because I do not want to be ripped apart like those men.

"Hi there, My name is Raven. I'm not going to try and hurt you or anything. It's really nice to have another girl around" I smile keeping my voice low and calm. She simply glares at me and I don't blame her honestly, I mean she was set free and then kidnapped again.

"I can't let you go...But I can promise to protect you from them. I won't let any of them hurt you" I smile and I can feel her relax a bit, She gives me a small nod.

I spend about an hour in there with her talking about just random topics and feeling her relax more and more with me, It feels good to be someone's comfort.


I walk over to M.M as he gets his stuff ready to go "Do you have a second?" I ask shyly, He turns to me "Yeah of course, What's up?" He asks sitting on a sofa "I um well you saw I hit Butcher...Is he gonna hurt me?" I look around and notice Butcher missing "No...No little bird he won't hurt you. He actually seems to like you despite his asshole show of it. I haven't seen him be soft with anyone since his wife, She died well...Homelander killed her" He rubs his neck and my eyes widen "He what?!" I'm supposed to have coffee with him..."Yeah, Homelander killed his wife after raping her" He looks away awkwardly "I...Shoot...well now I feel bad" I wipe a tear from my eye and sniffle.

M.M gently wraps his arms around me and hugs me, He pets my hair "You didn't know and to be honest he deserved it" He chuckles making me laugh with him "Yeah he kinda did huh?" I'm somewhere between laughing and crying for a solid Five minutes.

"I do need to get going though little bird. Have fun with him ok?" He gently kisses my head and heads out of the building.

I wipe my tears and look around for Butcher. I don't see him in the building so I go up to the roof and look around. I see him standing by the edge looking over the city, He looks almost peaceful.

I slowly walk over to him and stand with my arm brushing his "I-It's a beautiful v-view up here" I'm a bit nervous even though M.M said I should be fine "Yeah...I could say you are more beautiful though love" He looks down at me and smirks a bit. I blush and turn to him "Y-Your not mad at me for hitting you...again?" I ask quietly and he shakes his head "No love, I'm not. In fact, I am very impressed. Looks like that training is paying off huh?" He ruffles my hair and I look up at him tilting my head, Yes I am waiting for an apology.

He seems to click on to that fact "Oh! I am very sorry about what I said at the Chinese place. I was completely out of line but also you do need to realize this ain't a walk in the park" He gently cups my cheek and I sigh leaning into it "Y-Your right...And thank you for the apology Butcher" I wrap my arms around his midsection and hug him, He tenses and slowly wraps his arms around me.

"You're too good for this life ya know...You could die and I won't be able to live with myself" He says quietly and kisses my head "Well maybe I'll surprise you and not die" I smile up at him and he chuckles "I hope so love, Would be a shame to lose someone so sweet~" He winks and gently presses his lips to mine.

I immediately melt into it kissing him back, I move my hands to his hair and tangle them in it giving a gentle tug. He growls and moves his hands to my hips squeezing them firmly, I moan into the kiss and he lifts me up sitting me on a little wall of the rooftop.

I squeak breaking the kiss and looking behind me "Ok that's very high!" I immediately hide into his chest making him laugh "I've got ya love. You are safe with me" He squeezes my hips again making me moan into his chest, I lean up and kiss him deeply. He slides his tongue into my mouth kissing me like I'm the last drink on earth or something, I mimic his movements and I go bright red as he grinds his crotch into me and he is solid hard isn't even a fitting enough word. I moan leaning my head back and he doesn't hesitate to start kissing and nipping my neck.

"This is very kinky no?" Frenchie says from out of freaking nowhere making me scream and almost fall off the wall "FUCKIN HELL FRENCHIE!" Butcher yells clearly scared by him too. Frenchie bursts out laughing hunching over holding his stomach...Ok, that's cute.

I push Butcher away gently and hop down off the wall blushing majorly and smoothing out my hair for some reason. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry but that was so funny! You yelled like someone stuck a cock up your ass!" Frenchie dies laughing again and I join in with him as does Butcher within seconds.

I catch my breath after a couple of minutes and kiss Butcher's cheek. "I'm gonna go nap Stuff to do tomorrow right?" He squeezes my ass making me whine and go bright red again "Night love~ Have some dreams of me yeah?" He winks, I swat at his chest "No promises~" And head inside to find somewhere close to the Asian girl to sleep.

I hope this was a good little filler. I had fun on that last part with Frenchie.


Hughie's Sister (Billy Butcher x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon