4 - Bang

590 29 11

- Felix, are you trying to burn down our kitchen? - Asks Hyunjin as he opens the apartment door.

- No, aaaah, it's just... the food is slightly overdone, that's all. Crispy. But still yummy.

- Ok, if you say so.

- But more importantly... how was your first day??

- As good as it can be. The office is beautiful, people seem to be nice...

- Did you get to fire anyone yet?

- I'm not a boss there. But... you'd love my big boss. I think he's your type.

- You don't say? What's his name? - asks Felix as he's already positioned in front of a laptop with itchy fingers on a keyboard.

- Chan, Bang Chan.

- Ok ok, let's see...

They both lean in to see the screen better.

- Woooow!!!! Omg! Would you look at that? Yup, totally my type. Dark, strong, elegant... I mean, knowing my luck I bet he's straight. But, a guy can dream... Did he like you?

- He doesn't talk to anyone. Or at least I haven't seen him talking.

- Mhm he is something else...

- I bet you'd make him talk.

- I know! I should bring you lunch to office one day and meet him.

- Oh no no no, not yet. It's not a relaxed atmosphere in the office. It's a bit sterile, I don't see other peoples' friends coming over.

- Ok, I wait a little bit, but then I'll come over and introduce myself.

- Or not.

- Or yes. Come, let's eat. I think food is done.

- Oh, I think it was done 30 minutes ago...

After a "crispy" dinner and a shower, Hyunjin also googles Bang Chan on his phone. For professional reasons, of course.

Hyunjin is not gay, he is not straight either, he's bi-ish. First, he dated several girls. He had his heart broken and he broke hearts. And then, there was one guy. Felix.

Felix happened when Hyunjin was going through a personal crisis. It was a hard period for him. Felix came as a comfort, a little bit of light in a total darkness. Frankly, who wouldn't kiss Felix? If anyone says they wouldn't, it's a lie.

Ever since that one comforting night with him, they'd occasionally get together. But a next morning, they'd go back to normal like nothing happened. Finally, one day they spoke about it and concluded their friendship shouldn't be ruined by occasional sex. They continued with these encounters with no strings attached.

At some point Hyunjin was dating a girl, and Felix was dating a guy. They'd still sneak into each other's bed at night. Nobody knew.
That's when Hyunjin realized that he didn't really like the girl if he doesn't try to be faithful to her. They broke off their engagement, and she married someone else next month.

Now, looking (professionally) at Mr Chan, he realizes the guy is very smart. The way he responds in interviews, how he always stays focused and calm, and how clever his responses are - it's impressive. He doesn't talk much but when he talks, he has something to say.

And then, there are those lips.
Full, plump lips.
Very sexy.
Kind of inviting.
Why can't he be old and bold?

Ooh and he has kind eyes... Hyunjin found a photo of Chan looking straight to the camera and immediately swiped it. He felt like Chan was watching him.
Maybe googling was not the best idea.

Or maybe he should check if Felix was still awake?

With that thought, he goes to Felix's room and sneaks into his bed. As always, he's sleeping naked and doesn't say no to Hyunjin.

Felix turns to face him and starts giving kisses without any questions.


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