28 - Breakfast

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There are two big cups of coffee on a little kitchen table.
Next to it, there are two fresh and still warm pastries.
Finally, there is a bowl of fruit. Strawberries.

This is very odd.

Felix stares at the food and wonders what is going on. Did he sleep-cook? Is he in somebody else's apartment? Hyunjin never does something like this. Changbin is still sleeping in his bed. What's going on?

- Oh, hi, did I wake you up?

- Hyunjin, what is this??

- It's a breakfast. For you.

- What    Did    You    Do ?!

- Nothing, I did nothing.

- You did something if you bring me a breakfast like this!

- Felix, you always cook for me. Can I at least once bring you breakfast?

- I'm not buying it. There is something bad you're about to tell me.

- Well.... It's not necessarily bad... maybe you like it.

- Fine. At least it will be sweet when you tell me bad news.

Felix takes a sip of coffee. It's perfect. He eats his croissant and hums a song of joy with each bite. Then, he takes a bowl with strawberries and says:

- Ok, I'm ready. Hit me with bad news.

- Ok, here we go. It's not horrible news, it's more like we're progressing in life and things are changing, that's normal, so we're changing too, and going towards new challenges bec..-

- Come on...

- I might move out.

There is a silence.

- Move out?

- Yes....

- But you'd still live in Seoul?

- With Chan, yes.

First, Felix sighs.
Then he gets up from his chair, and smacks Hyunjin with a kitchen towel.

- You fool!!

- Sorry..

- Why would that be bad news??

- Because we've been living together forever! I don't know...
It's hard to leave you...
Plus, I don't know what it's like to live with someone who is not you.
What if he leaves dirty plates around, what if he makes noises when I want to sleep, what if he has horrible music taste...? I don't know....
What if we fight and then I have no place to go...?

- Do you want to live with Chan?

- I do. I really do. But I'm moving to his place, his bed, his closet...I'm loosing all that's mine.

- Hyunjin...

- Yeah?

- First of all, you are not losing me. I'm never going to stop being your friend. I count on our get togethers, and phone calls, and you taking Min for a walk when we're busy...

- Puppy is Min now?

- Yes. Anyway, if Bang ever upsets you, you have a fight or something, you come to me. I will always be there for you.

- You are the best friend ever. Why am I moving out again??

- Because of those incredible abs you keep telling me about.

- Yeah... crap... he does look fine, and he's horny af.

- See, that's not bad.

- Felix, I'm gonna pay my portion of rent until you decide to have a roommate. Or if you never get one, I'll continue paying my portion.

- Well, to tell you the truth, Changbin's place is bigger than ours. If we start living together one day, it would probably be in his place. And that would be a place where you come too, if things don't go well with Bang.

- I don't think I'd move out if Changbin didn't come to your life. You guys are so natural together, like you've been a couple for years.
Tell me, how was it when he stayed over?

Felix leans in to Hyunjin's ear and whispers:
- He's still sleeping in my bed.

- Ooooh do tell...

- We didn't do everything yet, but what we did was awesome. I love his body! And he's so different than my other lovers, he just wants me to feel good...

- Not like me, ha?

- Oh come on, Hyunjin, not fair. You and I were never in a relationship.

- You and I were weird. Best friends with benefits. How come we never caught up some feelings for each other?

- I don't know.

- Well, if things go bad with both of our lovers...

- ... you move in back with me.

- And your in your bed too?

- And in my bed too!

- Deal.

Felix sees the puppy walking out if his room, and he rushes to quickly put on a jacket so they can head out before yet another accident happens.

- Wait, wait, not here, we have a nice, big tree waiting for us outside...

Just as Felix and puppy leave, sleepy Changbin comes out of a room wearing only underwear, with messy hair covering his eyes.

- Good morning. - Hyunjin smiles at the sight, and decides to leave the other cup of coffee for him. - Have some breakfast, Felix just took your baby out for a walk.

He should really move out, dirty plates or not. There is a little family living here, and his family now - is Chan.


We're coming to the end.
The next chapter will be
the last one 🥹.
It was hard to write after my first story (Everything Has Changed /Hyunho). This one took more time and characters are a bit more mature, experienced.
If you read both, which one did you like better? 🧐


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