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I chose to take a leisurely stroll instead of hopping in my car. Emotions swirled within me, only a clear mind would make me calm.The streets were dynamic and chaotic as expected. I walked a good distance to escape the hustle and reached a crossroads, where a sign pointed left, guiding me towards the Hyrin Bridge.

The cool river breeze brushed against my face, and the sparkling water brought to mind my mother's gleaming anniversary ring, a gift from my father. I couldn't help but wonder about the different scenarios if my parents were still with me. Would I be happier? On nights like this, I could have cuddled in my mother's embrace, while my father whipped up his famous hot chocolates. The thought of my mother brought a warm smile to my face.

Suddenly, my reverie was shattered by the sound of hurried footsteps. I turned around to see two men rushing past, one urgently telling the other, "Hey! I think we lost him again." "Shit! I think he must have run to the other side of the bridge." "Let's go and take a look," they exclaimed before dashing off. Something didn't sit right with me, and I couldn't shake the feeling.I stood there for a moment, entranced by the glittering cityscape across the lake. A glance at my watch reminded me it was already 1:20 am, a fact conveyed with a subtle vibration.

As I glanced over my shoulder, a man strode past with purpose, hands casually tucked into his pockets. His movements were a blend of swiftness and grace, dressed in a sleek black hoodie, coordinating track pants, and shoes that echoed over the pavement. A cascade of glossy hair peeked from beneath the hood, adding an air of intrigue to his presence. My curiosity got the better of me, allowing my gaze to linger longer on his face. It was then that our eyes locked, his gaze akin to the depths of the boundless ocean. A sense of recognition washed over me, sending a thrilling shiver down my spine. The temptation to lose myself in those eyes was palpable, but propriety urged me to look away, leaving me with a gentle flush of embarrassment gracing my cheeks.

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