The inferno : part 1

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The office was suddenly filled with the piercing blare of the fire alarm, causing me to startle. My heart raced as it became evident that this was no fire drill. Outside the door, there was a cacophony of screams and frantic footsteps, and my mind was flooded with thoughts about the unfolding situation. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was awry.

Amidst the chaos of screams and frenzied footsteps outside the door, my mind raced with thoughts about the situation. The building's sleek design had been meticulously engineered to prevent external fires, so this unexpected alarm was deeply unsettling. Smoke began to envelop my room, and I somehow navigated through the dark, smoky space. The scene outside was utter pandemonium, with people pushing and shoving to make their way out.

"Stay calm, everyone!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping to bring some order to the chaos. The fire was visibly advancing down the corridor, forming ominous circles. "Move quickly! Fighting won't get us all out in time. We're running out of time. Please," I urged.

My vision blurred, and I struggled to cover my mouth with my sleeves to filter the smoke. Suddenly, worry for Minhee gripped me, and I froze . I stood on my tiptoes to scan the crowd ahead, I called out desperately, "Minhee, are you there?" Tears welled up in my eyes as I received no immediate response. Panic threatened to overtake me, but then, in a faint, frail voice, I heard Minhee's response. "Saerim, I'm here. Keep moving, don't wait for me," she called out.

Descending the stairs, the heat grew more intense, and sweat trickled down my back. Fear gripped my heart as I realized the gravity of the situation. We had to escape the building swiftly before it was too late. Finally, we reached the ground floor, relieved to find that emergency services had already arrived. We stumbled outside, gasping for fresh air, shaken but grateful to be alive.

Then, a distraught woman emerged from the crowd, her panic palpable. "Where's my child?" she cried out. Minhee expressed her concern, saying, "Oh no, her child might still be inside. This is bad." I rushed to the woman's side as she clutched my shoulders in despair. "Aren't you the CEO? Please, do something. My child was playing inside, and now I can't find her anywhere. I'm terrified. Please," she pleaded as her slowly fell consciousness . I called over medics to attend to her.

Taking a deep breath, without a second thought, I made the decision to re-enter the building. I could hear the firemen cautioning against it, and Minhee's cries urging me not to go back. Stepping into the lobby, I was met with a horrible sight. Falling debris, flames of bright yellow and orange, and sparks filled the air. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out, gasping for breath.

Amidst the dim lights and smoky haze, I heard a cry from the reception area behind the stairs. I navigated through the debris and spotted a young girl's head peeking out from beneath the stairs. I rushed to her and used my blazer to shield her from harm. "Stop crying. I'm here to help you," I reassured her.

As we made our way through the lobby, the atmosphere grew increasingly dangerous. Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound, and I looked up to see a large piece of metal hanging by a wire, poised to fall at any moment onto the child tiptoeing behind me. "No!" I screamed, pulling her down beneath me and shielding her from the impending danger.


A searing pain shot through my bones as the massive chunk of metal crashed down on top of me. I could tell that my injuries were severe, as I couldn't move an inch. My ribs felt as if they were fractured, and my head throbbed with dizziness. The taste of bitter metal dust filled my mouth, and my surroundings became a blur. The only sound I could hear was the faint whimpering of the child beneath me. At least, I took solace in knowing that she was still alive.

Summoning the last reserves of my courage, I whispered to the moaning child, "Hey, are you okay?" as I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, a sliver of sunlight broke through, falling onto my face. Someone had mustered the courage to come to my rescue, and the metal was slowly lifted.

An unfamiliar figure came into view. At first glance, it was clear that this person possessed the strength to lift the heavy metal. I heaved a sigh of relief as the debris was pushed aside. I lay there, gazing at the shattered ceiling, memories of my mother flooding my mind. I closed my eyes and envisioned her, radiant in her blue gown. She lovingly embraced me and tenderly caressed my cheeks.

"Is it my time to join you, Mom?" I whispered tearfully. I could feel the warmth of her smile as she replied, "No, my child, there's still time. You have much left to do. Now, wake up," she urged, pressing her moist lips to my forehead.

I struggled to flutter my heavy eyelids open. I felt myself being carried, cradled in strong arms. I strained to catch a glimpse of the person's face. "Beautiful," I murmured as the person leaned down to meet my gaze. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the familiar face—it was him, his deep blue eyes locked onto mine. Despite the anxiety in the air, he wore a tight smile that comforted me and pushed all other thoughts aside. I weakly wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest, tears streaming down my face. His steady heartbeat played a soothing lullaby in my ears. Numbness washed over me as his warm embrace gently carried me into slumber.

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