THE Second Heartbeat : Part 2

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Present day: Morning [ FLASH BACK ]


Outside the company, I waited patiently, grateful that Saerim had some important matters to attend to, bringing her to the office early. A sleek black SUV caught my eye as it pulled up, and a person in a crisp suit, wearing stylish glasses, stepped out. With an impressive physique, he greeted me with a bow after removing his glasses. His handsome features triggered a sudden realization—he was the one who saved Saerim from the fire.

"Good morning, ma'am. I am Agent Scar, assigned by Mr. Choi to protect Ms. Saerim," he began, but before he could continue, my instinctive reaction kicked in. I jumped, covering his mouth, signaling him to stop. "Let's not talk now," I said, pulling him to the nearby cafeteria. Choosing a secluded table, I introduced myself."Hi, I'm Park Minhee, the President's personal secretary,"You see, Saerim is not an easygoing person. She dislikes the idea of being constantly watched or protected. So, I have a plan."

"Listen, starting from now, you will assume the role of her secretary for a couple of months," I explained. "As for me, I'll be traveling to Japan this evening. Becoming her secretary is the only way to be close to her and ensure her protection.""Are you sure about this plan? " , Agent Scar asked with questioning eyes.

"Absolutely," I replied with an excited tone, glad that Agent Scar was onboard with the plan.I handed him a bunch of files, and he looked at them with a raised eyebrow. "What's this?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. 

 "These files contain Saerim's past projects, interests, personal preferences and upcoming projects," I explained. "It will give you valuable insights into her work style and help you understand her better. Being well-informed will allow you to support her effectively as her secretary."Agent Scar nodded, recognizing the importance of the information. He quickly scanned through the files, absorbing the details that would enable him to seamlessly blend into Saerim's professional life."And as for your accommodation, you'll be living with the president. I've already spoken to the caretaker to make the necessary arrangements and the important part you will be going in as  secretary Choi ... Choi Seo Jun . How's that ? It took me an hour to choose this name for you ...," I explained to Agent Scar. He assured me with thumbs ups !!.



Saerim was too stunned to speak. She grabbed my wrist forcefully and dragged me out of her office, demanding answers about the sudden Japan trip and Mr. Choi's involvement. "Slow down, one question at a time," I replied, attempting to calm her fury. With arms crossed and fiery eyes, Saerim glared at me, intensifying my resolve to explain the web of lies.

"Saerim, everything happened out of the blue! Grandpa didn't want to burden you, so he asked for my help, and considering your crazy schedule, I arranged for Mr. Choi to assist you."


 "No buts, my dear! I have to rush or else I'll miss my flight!" I swiftly turned around, catching Saerim's intense gaze from a distance. Unable to resist, I grinned mischievously, throwing flying kisses her way. "Oh, by the way, he'll be staying at our condo!". My words echoed in the corridor...


 "What?!!!!!!!" I exclaimed, furious at Minhee for orchestrating this without my consent. Ignoring Mr. Choi, I walked to my desk. "Ms. President," Mr. Choi's gentle voice interrupted, informing me of an upcoming meeting in 10 minutes. I snapped, "What?" without looking at him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you have a meeting soon," he said, flipping through his file. I averted my eyes, instructing him to take a seat. As he sat down respectfully, I couldn't resist asking, "You were the one who saved me from the fire, right?" He confirmed, and with a hesitant "Thank you," I let him leave.

"Sure," he replied, surprising me, and left the office instantly.

"Well ... weird..."

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