The Chase : Day 1

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Mr. Choi's meticulous nature and keen observations had been apparent to me from the start. However, I was determined to outwit him. After discreetly observing him for several days, I sensed the perfect opportunity for a chase. While he was engrossed in his morning routine, I seized the moment and stealthily infiltrated his room.

My mission was clear: find a mini microphone and strategically place it for surveillance. After careful consideration, I decided the lamp provided the perfect cover. Concealing the device there would grant me access to his voice recordings without raising suspicion.

But just as I was fixing the microphone, I heard the distinct sound of him unlocking his bathroom door. The situation instantly tensed up. The possibility of being caught in the act loomed over me, and every passing moment felt like an eternity as I navigated through the tense situation, hoping to remain undetected.

Heart racing, I acted on instinct, darting under the nearest bed. With urgency coursing through me, I crouched low, compacting my body to the smallest form possible. The space under the bed became my refuge, shielding me from any prying eyes that might uncover my covert operation. In that confined space, every second felt like an eternity as I held my breath, hoping against hope that I remained unnoticed.

As Mr. Choi's voice resonated through the room, he deliberated over which shampoo to use, expressing his confusion caused by the array of choices presented by Ms. Saerim. His musings continued as he settled on a lemon-scented shampoo for the day, remarking on the refreshing aroma filling the air. In the midst of his casual decision-making, I remained hidden beneath the bed, listening intently to every word, trying to maintain my concealment while he went about his morning routine.

Gasping for air, I emerged from my hiding spot, realizing I hadn't taken a breath the entire time. The rush of oxygen was a relief as I regained composure. However, as soon as Mr. Choi left the room, I made a hasty exit, only to collide with Grandma in the hallway.

"Saerim!" she exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't see you in the office."

"Well, I, uh..." I stammered, flustered by the unexpected encounter, struggling to find the right words to explain my presence outside of Mr. Choi's room.

"Anyways, come for breakfast downstairs," Grandma smiled warmly. "Yes, yes, sure. Let me call for Choi as well..."

"No, no need," I interjected quickly, trying to avoid any further complications. "I'll just ask him." With a hurried assurance, I intended to handle the situation on my own terms, preferring to sort things out with Mr. Choi without involving Grandma further.

Gathering every ounce of courage and masking any trace of mischief from my expression, I approached Mr. Choi's door and knocked. The door swung open abruptly, catching me off guard. In the chaos, I stumbled, tripping over my own feet and ending up in an ungraceful fall against his bare chest.

In that awkward moment, an unexpected scream escaped my lips. As I hastily retreated, I heard Mr. Choi's voice, "Ms...haven't you ever seen such a fine set of abs?"

Feeling a rush of heat to my cheeks, I paused, caught off guard by his remark, eyes meeting his with an intensity that carried a mix of surprise and something more. In that charged atmosphere, time seemed to pause as our gazes locked, conveying an unspoken understanding. The air crackled with a strange yet undeniable tension.

Involuntarily, my gaze lingered on him. His soft, damp hair framed his face while his muscled physique, covered only by a towel, held an allure impossible to ignore. As he leisurely approached, snapping his fingers in front of my face, I snapped out of my trance.

"Ms., you do realize you're fixated on my abs, don't you?" he remarked, a teasing glint in his eye.

A sudden flush of embarrassment swept over me, and I averted my gaze, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. The playful yet confident tone in his voice added a layer of unexpected tension to the moment, leaving me momentarily flustered and at a loss for words. 

"Just shut up! Get ready and come downstairs for breakfast, idiot," I blurted out, my embarrassment giving way to a touch of playful mockery. I mimicked his earlier comment, "Haven't you seen abs?"

The words slipped out almost involuntarily, a mix of lightheartedness and teasing as I attempted to regain some semblance of control over the situation. With a hint of amusement in my voice, I hurriedly left, the banter lingering in the air between us.

As I made my way downstairs, a swirl of thoughts consumed me. It dawned on me that his presence had an unexpected effect on me—I felt changed. To be honest, he had changed me in ways I hadn't anticipated. I'd rarely teased anyone besides Minhee, and moments of embarrassment were foreign to me. I reminded myself of the need to refocus, to steer away from these unfamiliar emotions. This realization urged me to recenter my attention on the tasks at hand.

Mr. Choi 

"Did she just tease me ??  , that's so unlikely of her " , I thought, a chuckle escaping my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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