Plan A and B : Bonus

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As Jeonghan arrived at our base, I could see the anticipation in his eyes, matching the excitement that bubbled within me. The plan was in motion, and the opportunity to get close to Saerim was more than just a stroke of luck. It was a chance to unravel the secrets hidden within the corridors of power.

Jeonghan and I quickly caught each other up on the details. "Cipher spilled the beans about Saerim needing a bodyguard, and I'm the lucky one chosen for the job," I said, a sly grin playing on my lips.

 "But here's the real kicker –As Saerim's company has close ties with the boss we've been trying to gather intel on. This could be our golden ticket."

A sense of determination fueled my actions as I explained my plan to infiltrate Saerim's office under the guise of a new employee. "I'll blend in seamlessly, act like I belong, and while providing protection, I'll discreetly gather information about Saerim's connections with the boss. It's a blessing in disguise that my role as a bodyguard gives me access without much effort."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, acknowledging the brilliance of the plan. "So, you're not just safeguarding Saerim; you're digging for answers. Let's be cautious, watch each other's backs, and make every move count."

As I geared up for the next phase of the mission, the atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation. The unexpected turn of events had transformed my seemingly mundane role into a strategic game of cat and mouse, with Saerim's office as the battleground and the elusive boss as the prize. I was ready to play my part, knowing that every step I took could bring me closer to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Saerim and the powerful figure pulling the strings in the shadows.

"Hey don't you like her ? ", I asked while poking him mischievously. 

"who ? " he replied as his narrowed his eyebrows. 

"M.I.N.H.E.E" ..... 

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