The Chase : Prologue

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Sae Rim's demeanor has always been a challenge to decipher. She's like a fortress, hiding behind a mask of coldness, power, and an air of detachment. 

She's a force to reckon with—merciless, timid yet stubborn. But lately, something seems to be changing. That facade is slowly dissipating, revealing more glimpses of who she truly is. Surprisingly, I'm finding comfort in her presence, a feeling I never anticipated.

Jeonghan has been maintaining regular contact with me, which helps keep me updated. However, getting access to Sae Rim's office has proven to be quite the task. She guards it vigilantly, rarely leaving it unattended. 

Yet, I managed to sneak in once during an intense moment when she was reprimanding an employee. Despite my intrusion, there was nothing suspicious or incriminating found. It appears she's clean, devoid of the records we suspected might link to 'the boss.'

Understanding her remains a puzzle, but there's a subtle shift in my perception. The layers she's hidden behind seem to be softening, allowing me to feel more at ease in her presence.

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