The Second Heartbeat : Part 3

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Time jump: Night


"It's unbelievable I got off work early today. He's good at his job, no wonder Minhee chose him... but why him? My thoughts halted when my chauffeur asked an odd question, 'Is it the condo or the bar, ma'am?' I looked up, perplexed, and saw him – those pretty blue eyes filled with anticipation, seeking an answer.

'Where's my driver?' I demanded, taken aback. 'Well, Ms. President, since your driver's on leave, Ms. Kim assigned me as your chauffeur too.' What?..." I exclaimed, utterly confused. "Don't worry, I'm a skilled driver," he reassured with a grin, glancing at me through the rearview mirror. As we drove, I wondered what awaited me at home.


"Wow!" I exclaimed joyfully entering the condo. It was huge, adorned with tasteful antique decor. "She's so rich," I whispered to myself, taking it all in.

Saerim's eyes held concern as she saw her maid. "Why are you here at this hour, Grandma?" she asked, gently patting her arms. Their bond was evident as the lady returned the gesture with a soft smile.

"Minhee asked me to set up the new secretary's arrangements. Now that you're here, I'll leave," she explained calmly. As she approached me, she continued, "Mr. Choi, your room is next to Saerim's on the first floor." "What?!" Saerim exclaimed, marching towards me. "Why that room? Don't we have other rooms here?" Her surprise and confusion were evident.

She turned to Saerim, explaining, "Minhee wanted him there for your convenience given your busy schedule. He can assist you without running around. Understand?"

"Get some rest and don't overthink. I'll make your favorite breakfast tomorrow," she said, reassuringly. With those words, she left Saerim and me. I saw her expression, taken aback by my adjacent room. But it might make things easier. I'm just a door away from her office. Maybe I'll get some important intel there.


Past midnight, sleep eluded me despite exhaustion. I don't trust him at all. I sighed in frustration, interrupted by a voice.

"You've sighed about 10 times. Aren't you planning to sleep, Ms. Saerim? Spare me some rest," he said, an annoying tone tempered by respect.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I retorted.

"The door was wide open, ma'am," he replied. Annoyingly attractive in a loose blue shirt, black pants, droplets of water on his hair ends.

He neared me, weariness apparent. "Can I help you?"

I surged up, angry. "Leave now!"

"Please, don't make a scene. Neighbors might mistake your noise for a disturbance," he retorted, mischief in his eyes.

"Just shut up," fueled by frustration, I pushed past my table, colliding painfully with its sharp edge, jolting pain through my foot. Losing balance, I stumbled.

Wincing, I bit my lip, trying to endure. In that moment, I was airborne. Strong arms enveloped me in a bridal hold. His concerned blue eyes eased mine.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" he asked, breath slightly labored. "Where's the medical box?"

"Downstairs," I murmured involuntarily. Blood droplets fell to the floor.

Mr. Choi

Each step down was precise. Gently, I settled her on the couch. "Where is it?" I asked, too late. We were close, our lips centimeters apart. Butterflies fluttered. We lingered in silence.

Suddenly, I found myself on the ground. "Ouch," I groaned, pain radiating through my back.


I pushed him away with all my strength, feeling the intensity of the situation overwhelm me. Despite trying to resist, I couldn't help but meet his gaze, which only fueled my anger.

"Don't try to get close to me," I burst out, my frustration bubbling over. That spark inside me had turned into a fiery anger that I struggled to contain.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "Where's the medical kit?"

I gestured towards the furthest cupboard in the kitchen, my irritation still palpable.

He grunted, rubbing his back as he went to retrieve the kit. Time seemed to blur as he patiently tended to my wound.

"All done," he announced. "How does it feel?"

"Looks alright, considering it's from someone like you," I retorted, my tone still edged with hostility.

"Let's call it a night then," he suggested, his voice calm despite the tension between us.

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