Chapter 40

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 Lin Qingshan took a deep breath, and when he took a step, he even heard the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground on his chest. The corridor was not long, but he felt like he had walked for a long, long time.

  The moment he stepped out of the corridor and came outdoors, his eyes suddenly opened up. Wen Shaozheng, who was wearing a white suit like himself, also appeared in front of him.

  The well-cut suit outlines Wen Shaozheng's body contours well, making him look like a work of art with perfect proportions. His hair was also combed up, making him look extremely solemn.

  But Wen Shaozheng's expression was so thick it could draw strings, and so warm it could melt.

  Because outside, Lin Qingshan could clearly see Wen Shaozheng's body covered with a layer of sunlight, shining like a god.

  Then he reached out his hand to himself.

  Lin Qingshan put her hand up and was immediately held.

  The two walked slowly across the blanket, walking side by side step by step. The swaying of their walking brought their bodies closer and further apart. They were intimate yet kept an unbearable distance due to etiquette.

  There weren't many people at the scene, but even if there were more, they couldn't notice anyone else. They could only feel the temperature of the other person's palms and the heartbeat of their own chest.


  Wen Shaozheng, you are willing to become a lifelong lover with Lin Qingshan. No matter in good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, you will always be with him through thick and thin, share joys and sorrows, and always be with him. By his side? "

  Wen Shaozheng tightened his grip a little, nodded, and said slowly and carefully: "I do."

  "Lin Qingshan, you are willing to become a lifelong lover with Wen Shaozheng. No matter in good times or in bad times, no matter rich or poor, no matter health or disease, no matter happiness or sorrow, you will always be with him through thick and thin, share joys and sorrows, and always be with him. By his side?"

  Lin Qingshan also held Wen Shaozheng's hand tightly. She was still a little speechless when she first spoke, but in the end she answered with some choking: "I do."

  "Then, please swear to each other and seal the contract with a kiss."

  A gust of wind blew by, making a swishing sound.

  It was also a sunny day when I met Wen Shaozheng for the first time. Lin Qingshan was dressed up like a doll early in the morning, sitting in the room and watching the color of the framed sky gradually change until late at night.

  Marriage is something that Lin Qingshan has been reminded of for most of his life so far. It was something that he once thought determined his fate and destiny in life. To be honest, Lin Qingshan would choose to continue to get along with Wen Shaozheng rather than stay away from him at first. In addition to having a good impression of Wen Shaozheng, he also had some longing for marriage and the Alpha that the Lin family calls him.

  As a result, after dating, I unknowingly forgot about marriage and Alpha, and only thought about being with Wen Shaozheng.

  "Lin Qingshan, I, Wen Shaozheng, am willing to be your lifelong lover." Wen Shaozheng reached out and stroked Lin Qingshan's hair, kissed the tip of Lin Qingshan's nose, and breathed lightly on Lin Qingshan's cheek, "... No matter good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will always be with you through thick and thin, share joys and sorrows, and will always be by your side."

Collection 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora