Chapter 6

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 He wanted to hold Ning Yu in his arms and tell him that I am by your side, but he was still three years old, so he could only kiss Ning Yu awkwardly like Ning Yu usually kissed him. Cheek, "Brother Xiao Ning... don't be sad, do you want to pinch my bunny ears?"

  "it does not matter."

  Ning Yu was amused by him. He reached out and stroked the child's bunny ears and rubbed his soft face with baby fat. The soft touch really made him feel better.

  In fact, Ning Yu always knew in his heart that even if Lu Yinghuai didn't leave back then, there would be no results for the two of them.

  He once saw Lu Yinghuai frowning and rejecting a boy's confession. The reason was just a few words, "I don't like men."

  If the sexual orientation is different, then pursuing or approaching them would be a kind of interruption.

  That's why Ning Yu insisted not to let the children tell Lu Yinghuai that she had a crush on him, and was willing to let the secret love wine continue to be buried deep without daring to take a sip.

  Ning Yu smiled again, touched Xiao Huai's head, and added: "Besides, although I have always liked your brother for so many years, maybe he has forgotten me a long time ago."

  forget? !

  Lu Yinghuai, who was blushing at the corner of the sofa for a long time because he took the initiative to kiss Ning Yu, immediately stood up, as if he couldn't believe that Ning Yu would actually say this, and with his whole body full of enthusiasm, he stood on the coffee table and solemnly announced, "He can't be getting over You!"

  This is slander!

  How could he forget Ning Yu, not even for a moment.

  In his freshman year of high school, because the quarrels at home intensified, Lu Yinghuai's father came up with a solution, which was to send Lu Yinghuai to a closed boarding school abroad to give himself, his wife, his second son, and his family of three some peace.

  He didn't feel at all that he owed Lu Yinghuai. After giving him enough money, he also sent him to a foreign aristocratic school. What could Lu Yinghuai be dissatisfied about?

  So Lu's father didn't even say hello, he just put down the formalities and let the bodyguard watch Lu Yinghuai pack his things and get on the plane overnight.

  At that time, Lu Yinghuai didn't even have Ning Yu's contact information. When he was forced to leave, he took nothing with him. He only took his mother's broken photos and the photos from the recent sports meeting to accompany him across the ocean.

  How could he forget Ning Yu? In countless cold nights in foreign countries, he never forgot those crooked smiling eyes.

  The ubiquitous thoughts wrapped around his heart, and Ning Yu never faded in his memory.

  Even though the world is far apart, there is only one photo of Lu Yinghuai.

  In fact, Lu Yinghuai is not a person who is sensitive to emotions. In adolescence, when others were in love and holding hands, he was still thinking every day about how to anger his little mother, how to quarrel with his father, or how to be handsome in school. The ruthless school bully.

  Later, when he was overseas, those countless moments of thinking of Ning Yu finally gave him some clues, but he had no time to think deeply, and he was also afraid to think deeply.

  He was afraid that the answer he would get was that he finally fell in love with Ning Yu after leaving Ning Yu.

  He studied abroad for seven years, but after Lu Yinghuai finally graduated, his family tried every means to prevent him from returning to China. His father's health had become worse and worse in recent years, and his mother was afraid that he and her son would steal the family property.

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