Chapter 33

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 He became more and more familiar with this business. After seeing the benefits, Cheng Yang, who originally didn't like to use WeChat, took the initiative to add people. He also bought software and added people for a while. However, the results were not high and he started to wonder how to add people accurately and effectively. Customers, so he changed the method of scanning the QR code to pay. When selling vegetables, Cheng Yang tried his best to ask everyone to pay directly with him. Others found that he had a good temper, was polite, and was as gentle and gentle as jade. I like it. I don't resist adding friends at all. On the contrary, I am very happy. After adding friends, I also make reservations and order food on WeChat.

  In spring, everything revives, and there are countless wild vegetables of all kinds. Cheng Yang has been working on his mobile phone all day long. It is almost nine o'clock in the evening. He is still soaking his feet in the cold water basin and is editing text to forward. Recently, it has grown to more than ten suppliers in the dialog box. From time to time, I have to reply to customers. I started to doze off because I was too tired. After waking up, I patted my face and was busy typing on my mobile phone with my fingers flying. .

  Liu Chonggang carried the sleeping bun into the room and went to sleep. When he came out of the room, he saw that Cheng Yang was too busy to wipe his feet, so he stepped forward, picked up a towel, squatted on the ground, held his ankles, and wiped his feet. Picking him up, Cheng Yang was startled and almost dropped his phone. He reflexively hugged Liu Chong's neck. Liu Chong smiled at him soothingly, lowered his head and rubbed his forehead with his, saying: "Go on, I'll carry you into the house."

  Cheng Yang subconsciously looked around and saw that Huang Cheng was not there. He felt a little relieved. He stopped what he was doing, snuggled into Liu Chong's arms and closed his eyes, letting Liu Chong take him. Carry him into the house.

  Liu Chong put the person on the bed, took off his coat, pulled the quilt, covered the person carefully, and then went out to take the foot-washing water to the toilet. Huang Cheng was still occupying the space and couldn't pour water in the shower, so he knocked He opened the door, and when he heard the rushing inside stopped, he said to Huang Cheng: "Huang'er, call me after you take a bath, and I'll pour the water."

  Huang Cheng responded: "I'll pour it, you go to sleep."

  Liu Chong said. Thanks, back to the room.

Chapter 59

  Liu Chong returned to the room, and Cheng Yang was huddled under the quilt playing with his cell phone.

  Cheng Yang had just finished forwarding the picture, but before he stopped for long, someone came to ask him how to sell Chinese toon, how much a pound of bracken was, how to sell bamboo shoots, and so on. Although Cheng Yang was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes, he was still very happy. Patiently reply one by one, collect the money after the negotiation is completed, and then with the help of Liu Chong, write down what everyone wants, put the notebook aside and buy time to fall asleep.

  Cheng Yang fell asleep holding his phone almost as soon as he touched the pillow. Liu Chongshou looked at him silently by the bed for a while, then took the phone from his hand and turned it off, then casually put the broken phone on the bedside table. , while gently lifting the quilt and lying down, he was thinking about buying a good mobile phone for him to use one day, so as to avoid this broken mobile phone always being stuck and delaying time.

  He leaned forward and hugged her, kissed her twice and fell asleep peacefully.

  Recently, the vegetables that can be sold have begun to diversify. Most of them are fresh wild vegetables, Chinese toon, bracken, and wild vegetables that are not eaten in the countryside and are gathered in the city. Cheng Yang posted pictures and short videos of on-site picking in the circle of friends. , people soon began to place reservations for bracken and toon. This seasonal vegetable can only be eaten during the beginning of spring. It is also local and everyone likes it. Therefore, when such seasonal vegetables arrive, there is almost no need to rush to the morning market. , one distribution point was already out of stock.

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