Chapter 9

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  Zhang Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air, took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one and threw it to Liu Chong who was opposite him. Liu Chong caught it subconsciously, and then said with a smile: "I don't smoke, but I accepted this cigarette." Putting the cigarette behind his ear, Zhang Yuan smiled and somehow got closer to the other person. He lit a cigarette for himself and took two puffs when Zhao Jue took it away and put it on the table. He put it out in the ashtray, looked at a group of people on the ground and said, "Call 110 and ask the police to take the person away." As

  soon as he finished speaking, a group of policemen appeared at the right time.

  After the police briefly recorded a few people, they took the group away. Zhao Jue looked at Liu Chong a few times and suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, your skills are good. You know a lot of things." Liu Chong

  . Chong smiled noncommittally, and turned around to clear the tables and chairs with Zhang Yuan in tacit agreement.

  But this trouble is just the beginning.

Chapter 17

  Coffee House, Office on the Second Floor.

  Zhao Jue sat behind his desk and looked through the ledgers with a very ugly expression on his face, but his mind was not on the ledgers. His mind was filled with the group of killers asking why they hooked up with his girlfriend and the photo that always appeared in front of his eyes. At this point, Zhao Jue gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Yuan, who was sitting across from him and was smoking quietly. He had not said a word since he entered the office. Apart from smoking, Zhao Jue had no intention of telling the truth. Zhao Jue couldn't hold it in any longer and got up. He threw the account book aside and said angrily: "It's the first time I've seen you seducing a woman under my nose and being so calm. Brother Zhang is getting better and better at playing. If these little bastards hadn't suddenly come to make trouble, you were going to hide it." How long have I really wanted a woman? I can go find her now!"

  Zhang Yuan looked up at him and continued to smoke with his head lowered. After half the cigarette was in his hand, he put it into the ashtray, sat up straight and looked at Zhao Jue. , sneered: "Didn't you first have such a passionate chat with her behind my back? A sister shouted so kindly, but you should tell me who seduced women online first."

  Zhao Jue laughed angrily when he heard this, "When did I hook up with a woman? She is a netizen I met online. Do you still know that I call her sister? She is more than ten years younger than me and just considers me her brother. You She's really awesome. Those who are close to the water come first. When did I add her and get on the line with her? And she went on to meet other people behind my back. She was so obsessed with her that she didn't even want a boyfriend. Are you trying to stimulate her in front of me?"

  Zhang Yuan frowned, the more unbearable he said, the angrier he became. He stood up and walked towards Zhao Jue. He stood opposite Zhao Jue across the table and pinched his chin hard. His eyes were burning with anger, and he was usually friendly and gentle. They looked completely different. At this moment, he was like an enraged beast. "I just told her to get lost. How dare you recognize a woman you love as your sister when you meet her? She just treated you as a financial sponsor and gave her away." How many times have you given me worthless things and pretended to be pitiful in front of you to bring out your fatherly love? You actually used my hard-earned money to give her red envelopes. I have been waiting for you for so long, why don't you see her? You gave me a dime, but you like to turn your elbows outward so much?"

  Zhao Jue was stunned. After hearing this, not only did he not calm down, but he became even more angry. He smacked the other party's hand away and said, "Tell her to get out and roll on the bed." Gone?!"

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