Chapter 10

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  Cheng Yang didn't want Liu Chong to spend money randomly, "No need to buy it. If anything happens, I'll call the shop downstairs."

  Liu Chong looked serious. Although nothing unexpected happened today, there were too many potential dangers. It doesn't matter to him. As long as it's not a group of practitioners who come to trouble him, he can control the situation. But Cheng Yang is different. He has to know that Cheng Yang is safe at all times before he can work outside with confidence, so he can't refute it. He said, "If you really have something to do, it'll be too late if you run down there. I'll just buy one for a few hundred yuan."

  Cheng Yang frowned slightly, knowing that what he said was indeed reasonable, so he didn't refute it.

  It was almost twelve o'clock when the two got home. Liu Chong took off his short sleeves several times and wore baggy jeans. He waved to Cheng Yang, who was about to change clothes, "Come here, let's take a shower together and rub your back."

  Cheng Yang paused. His first reaction was that he didn't want the other party to see his swollen belly. He was about to find an excuse to shirk it, but Liu Chong didn't give him the chance. He walked over directly to get his pajamas and dragged him along. After entering the toilet, she closed the door and gently lifted up his clothes. She didn't take off his clothes in a hurry. Instead, she lowered her head and kissed Cheng Yang on the lips and rubbed him for a long time before starting to take off his clothes.

  Liu Chong knew that he could not let go of the changes in his body for the time being, so he did not embarrass him, but took a bath honestly.

  Cheng Yang raised his hand uncomfortably to cover his abdomen. When he lowered his head and saw the looming mermaid line of the other party, some heat rushed to his face, and his eyes had nowhere to rest for a while.

  A bath made the two of them feel hot all over. Liu Chong gently hugged Cheng Yang and made love to each other. After soothing each other for a long time, he started to take a shower without feeling satisfied.

  After washing, Liu Chong didn't care about his wet hair. Instead, he took care of Cheng Yang and let him lie down before starting to take care of himself.

  The next day, Liu Chong looked around cautiously before going out. After seeing nothing strange, he left the community on his bicycle and went to work in a coffee shop.

Chapter 19

  There were very few customers in the coffee shop today. After finishing everything, Liu Chong was about to go out during lunch time when a call came from a landline number in this city.

  He answered the phone and it was from the police station. It turned out that there was new progress in the case of Zhao Yang and Zhao Gang. The ending was unexpectedly unsatisfactory. He didn't have any trouble in his heart. But what bothered him the most was Cheng Yang's identity. The certificate is gone. The last time the two of them beat up someone in the station, they were semi-forced to leave. At that time, they were in complicated emotions and no one paid attention to it. Later, Cheng Yang ignored this important issue because of his physical discomfort. If the police were there today If they didn't mention this, they probably wouldn't know that Cheng Yang had become a black man in this city until they needed his ID card.

  Those two people not only had unclean hands and feet, but also had problems with their character. After using Cheng Yang's ID card, they actually burned it. Liu Chong was furious when he heard this. He only gave them a few punches, which was too light.

  Liu Chong had always been curious about how they transferred the money without the WeChat payment password. After asking, he finally found out that the two actually bribed one of their relatives and quickly applied for a card using Cheng Yang's ID card. , change the password after binding the bank card.

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