Peter Pettigrew- Ophelia

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This is a draft from a book I'm writing. Let me know if you want me to publish it.

"I'm sick and tired of this Alison! You're a liar and a cheater! I'm fucking done with you!"

"David! Stop, please!"

"You have kept a secret from me, Ophelia and Joseph for 13 years!"

"Wait, who's Joseph?" Ophelia walked into the kitchen.

"Now you're telling her or I'm leaving." David threatened.

"Fine! I'll tell her! Happy?"

"Can we all just sit down and talk, please?" Ophie pleaded.

Then they all talked.

"Ophelia," Her mother started. "Joseph is someone I had a fling with thirteen years ago."

"B-but. I'm thirteen?" Oph started before realising. "Oh."

"Yeah, so I'm not your actually father. We also have something else to tell you. W-"

"David, no! I'm not telling her that!"

"You said you would in time! It's been three years! That's it, I'm done." David for up and left through the front door, slamming it and causing it to shake the cottage.

"Get out of my house."

"Pardon?" Ophelia was in shock.

"I said, Get. Out. Of. My. House!" Alison ran upstairs and started to throw all of Ophelia's things in a trunk.

"This is all your fault! Take this and leave!"

The door was slammed shut again as the girl sat down and started sobbing.

What had she done?


After what seemed like hours, Ophelia had stopped crying and made a conscious effort to find somewhere to go.

"Uh, okay, just breathe." She tried to reassure herself that she'd be okay but it wasn't working.

She was in the middle of nowhere and lost with both of her parents elsewhere. Ophelia's hands were now getting sore with the amount of swapping hands to hold her trunk.

'Damn, this is heavy.' She thought.

It was getting closer to night later so she had light for the majority of the day.

She eventually sat down at the curb of a road, exhausted, looking at everyone on that street until she saw some familiar faces.

Peter, James, Remus.

A sudden rush of energy bursted through the girl as she left her trunk and ran to the trio.

"Peter! James! Remus!" The trio turned around in shock to see Ophie this far away from her home.

Peter on instinct ran forward and met her halfway while she collapsed into his arms, crying.

"Hey, hey. Are you alright?" He asked concerned for the girl he was holding.

She couldn't form words at this moment so she shook her head no and the blonde boy hugged her closer.


No Peter slander!! He doesn't betray them in this book. <3

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