Birthday Date

4 0 0

x Male!Reader

Howdy, fellas

Percy Weasley x Male!Reader

Don't judge me- I've always liked (*cough* simped *cough*) his character, sooooo...

Also, it's been a while since I've read the books or watched the movies so I'm a little hazy on the actual plot/what happened with Percy and his family...

This really was just a whim.

It's really fluffy

Warnings: Swearing, Spying?, it's lowkey stalking ngl, but not in a super creepy or obsessive way...

Hope you enjoy!

The Weasley family sat around the dinner table. But it wasn't right. It was eerily silent, especially for the Burrow. The only sounds were the silverware scraping on the glass plates.

It was Percy Weasley's birthday, and none of the family had contacted him in years.

"Bloody hell, have you really not talked to him for years?" Hermione burst out, putting down her silverware and looking at Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, then to each sibling.

"No, 'Mione, we haven't," Ron responded, not even he held the heat he used to when his brother was mentioned.

"I know what Percy did was wrong, but..." Harry trailed off, not having the heart to look up from his plate.

Mrs. Weasley burst into tears, covering her face with her hands as Mr. Weasley wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I- really, I just want to know how he's doing! Is he safe? Is he even alive?!" Molly sobbed, her voice dripping with tears. She was bordering on hysteric.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" Hermione asked, leaning forward with a sympathetic look on her face as she regarded Molly.

"He won't want to talk to me- to any of us," Mr. Weasley responded, rubbing Molly's shoulder.

"You know more spells than most of us, 'Mione, do you think there's one that could help us now?" Harry asked, looking over at his childhood friend.

Hermione thought for a moment, biting her lip as she contemplated.

"Oh!" She perked up as if a lightbulb had went off in her head. "I do have one..."

After dinner, which had been more lively after the solution was suggested, they all crowded into the sitting room.

"I'm not sure if this'll work, but it should, if I do it correctly. Any ideas what he could be doing on his birthday?" Hermione asked lightheartedly as she double checked the spell book she carried.

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