Raging Blizzard

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Snow and ice swallows a portion of Iron Blood's base, the entirety of the blizzard arrives. A metallic beast flaps its wings and causes the cold wind and the creeping ice to gradually spread further. It's a simple cold wind carried by the blizzard, but it bursts through a portion of the facility, sending Bismarck and Geryon flying.


Tirpitz ignores them as quickly as she sends them flying. The blizzard stalls the kansens within its range, but she has no interest in them. Instead, she casually walks towards the port to reach open waters while Orthrus quietly follows after her.


Without much hesitation, Roon open fires the second Tirpitz leaves the facility and step into the water's surface.


The Zwei rigging bends its wing to shield its kansen from the relentless rain of high explosive shells. Its durability surpasses that of normal riggings and its defenses further strengthened by the META's freezing ability forging glacial armor on it.

"Tch!" Roon stops firing

She sends about three simultaneously salvos at Tirpitz, but the explosions fail to dent or budge the rigging defending Tirpitz. The shells do explode upon impact but the raw power is lessened against a META with little restraint. If anything, Tirpitz just lazily wipes the black smoke hindering her vision out of annoyance.

"It's so noisy. Everything.....is noisy....."

Tirpitz shakes her head, distracted by the ringing in her ears. The sound of cannon fire, the amplified waves, and incoherent whispers confuses what she sees in her surroundings.

"Which is real.....?" Tirpitz asks herself

The view in front and around her is filled by the blizzard she summoned, but her vision keeps switching to a burning sea littered with wreckages.

"I have no interesting in crushing the weak. Get lost" Tirpitz coldly warns her

Her intention is to prevent herself from unintentionally sinking anyone from Iron Blood since she values her promise more than her growing anger and confusion. It's why she has yet to use her cannons on Roon.

"You're out of control again, so I'm going to make sure to you stay put"

The burning and piercing sensation staggering her is similar to when she's forcefully revived in her original timeline. It's excruciatingly painful, especially with the new sensation of shackles strangling every corner of her body.

"I....said.....get lost!"

It's unintentional, but the uncontrollable emotions has her swipe her hand in the air which on turn commands her rigging to charge at Roon and rams the unfortunate heavy cruiser.


The speed and resilient armor dents and bends Roon's hull as the rigging sends her flying and helplessly rolling several meters back.

"This strangling feeling is getting on my nerves....!"

Tirpitz takes a few steps back since the unknown weight strangling her body is annoying her. She could barely concentrate on her surroundings that she fails to realize the sound of multiple shells piercing the snow.

Don't do that.....

For a moment, she hears her own voice speaking to her in dismay and sorrow. The mere echo tightens her limbs and makes it difficult for her to breath for the next minute.


Even if Tirpitz isn't actively defending herself, the rigging wraps its wings around Tirpitz and the shells instantly freezes faster than it could detonate upon impact. It turns the explosive force of the shells into frozen pellets shattering to crystallized bits.

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