Post Street Fight II

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"Okay what food have you got?" Anna asked as they walked into Nyles' house. Before he could even respond he was stopping the large dog that was barreling towards her. "Let her go!" He looked at her before she gave him a look that said he better listen. Instead of letting the dog go he carefully guided Navy towards her mother before he let the dog go. Anna was immediately bombarded by the large dog who was licking her face and hands.

"Just say the word and I'll get her off you." He said as he saw Navy pin her against the ground as she excitedly greeted her mother. When he saw the dogs paw go into her side he knew it was time. "Alright you big fucker go lay down." He pulled Navy off of Anna before the large dog ran back over to the couch. Nyles extended a hand towards her and as he did he could see the tears in her eyes. He helped her up before his arms carefully wrapped around her. "I tried to...." She hit his side shutting him up as she slowly gathered herself.

"You're still wet." She said as she pulled away. She could feel the fact that her clothes were now damp from his still wet body.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower to warm up then we'll order something. Sound good?" She nodded. "Need anything or should I just shut up and let you do your own thing?"

"You got any of that rub left?" He looked at her for a moment.

"The one from your shoulder?" She nodded. "Don't think that one will work but I should have something. Just give me a sec. Want a change of shirt?"

"I'm good. I'll change when you shower. Just want something to try and dull this fucking pain." He nodded at her words a soft smile along his lips.

"I've got you just gimme a sec." He said before he disappeared towards his room. Anna didn't even hesitate, his house was basically hers. She walked over to the large patio doors opening them giving her the perfect view of the storm that was forming over the ocean. "Gotta close those if it starts coming in." She nodded before she was handed a tube of medicine. "This should help."

"Could you help me?" He chuckled as he nodded. He always helped her when she needed it as she would with him. As her shirt was pulled up exposing not only her bare skin but her bra, he opened the medicine. While most men would've been staring, his eyes were on hers.

"Where exactly?" He asked before she pointed to the bruised area along her ribs. He would have assumed but he simply wanted to double check. "Want me to just follow the bruise?"

"If you could." He nodded as he carefully spread the medicine along her skin. When he touched one of her dislocated ribs she yelped her hand gripping tightly along his bicep stopping him instantly. Her head fell into his shoulder as she took a moment to breathe. "Just get it over with please." She pleaded with him. His fingertips gently returned to her skin. When he finished applying the medicine he moved to carefully hold her.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly as he gently hugged her around her shoulders. Her eyes were shut tight as she nodded her face burying into him. "Just breathe Bluejay. Take a second. Cuddle with Navy and let that stuff work." She nodded before he felt her lean into him even more. Gently he guided her towards the couch next to where her dog was. When the back of her calves hit the sofa she carefully sat down. "You good if I go warm up?" She nodded as she curled into Navy. Without any hesitation he grabbed a blanket gently laying it across her. Before he left his lips carefully pressed to the top of her head. "I'll be right back Bluejay."

By the time Nyles got back into the room Anna and Navy were both asleep. Without any hesitation he went into the kitchen ordering what he knew they both would like. She always wanted the same meal after getting injured. It never failed and had all but become a tradition when one of them got injured that they needed the meal.

He ordered from their favorite Mexican place around the corner before quietly slipping on his rain coat. While she would've just had it delivered he knew it was always better when they went and picked it up. As Nyles opened the door he could see Navy move waking Anna.

"Where are you going Righty?" He could hear the sleep flowing through her voice.

"To get food. Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when I'm back." She tiredly nodded her face burying back into her dog as Navy once more got comfortable on the couch.

By the time Nyles was back in the door with food he could see Anna sitting on the couch changed into a baggy pair of sweatpants and one of his large hoodies. He set the food down in front of her before moving Navy out of his spot. As he sat down she was instantly leaning into him.

"Hungry or want it to cool off a bit?" When she grabbed the remote he knew exactly what she wanted. His arm moved to the back of the couch allowing her to lean into him more as she found a movie for them to watch. "It working?" She nodded as her head tucked into his neck a sigh escaping her lips. "Still hurts doesn't it?" As she nodded his hand carefully moved to her lower back gently running along it lightly. She sighed as her feet moved to tuck beneath his leg. "I'd question if you're comfortable but you look hella comfortable." She nodded. "Come on Bluejay you've gotta talk at some point."

"I don't want to talk. I just want to watch Dirty Dancing." Nyles sighed as his feet moved to rest on the table in front of them.

"Can I at least ask the question?" She let out a huff before she looked at him. She knew exactly what he wanted to ask. Why was she with him and not Jack.

"I broke up with him last month. I don't want to talk about it and I just want some quiet please." Their eyes met before he slowly nodded. "Thank you." He stayed quiet as she tucked back into him her head now along his chest.

"You should eat something..." Nyles said after the longest time. "Probably cold by now but you need to eat."

"What did you get?" He chuckled.

"What do you think Bluejay?" Anna quickly peeled her body away from his before she grabbed the bag. When she opened it Nyles could see her eyes go wide. As he chuckled she leaned back slightly. Her lips moved to press against his cheek just as his head turned. For a split second their lips connected. They both pulled quickly away. He looked over at her for a moment blinking before he decided to just ignore it. "I think mines on the bottom." He said before he went back to the bag of food. She took a moment to gather herself still completely shocked at what had just happened.

By the time they had eaten they were both tired. As they got comfortable along the couch Anna couldn't help but notice that Nyles was keeping to himself more than usual. He was one who could talk her ear off but had been quiet for nearly an hour. Opting to ignore it to not make things more awkward she carefully moved to lean against him. He looked at her for a moment before his arm carefully moved to the back of the couch allowing her to get more comfortable. She grabbed a blanket pulling it over the both of them as he picked another movie.

"You good?" He asked as he felt her adjust. She nodded but then opted to not stay quiet. Anna's words though quiet slightly shocked Nyles.

"Comfy as always Righty."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ