The Right Kind of Advice

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"Okay how are we fucking with Julia?" Nyles asked Anna as he made them both coffee. The two had fallen asleep after hours of talking the night before. When they had woken up they were tangled together with Anna buried into Nyles' larger form. It took them nearly an hour to get out of bed, simply enjoying the quiet time before they needed to go and do things for the day.

"I don't know...." She said as he set a cup of coffee down in front of her. "I kinda don't really want to fuck with her but at the same time I know it'll be more than fun." He nodded as he chuckled taking a sip of his drink as he leaned against the counter opposite of her.

"You still feel bad about running away don't you?" She nodded at his words. "You really think she's gonna care Bluejay?" Once again she nodded before he chuckled lightly. "Can I fuck with her then?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What are you thinking Righty?"

"Julia...." Nyles started his hands shoved in his pockets as he tried to act nervous. "Could I... uh.... Ask you a question?" Julia eyed him curiously. He rarely spoke with her unless he was with Anna so for him to want to talk to her alone peaked her curiosity.

"Um.... Sure." He nodded knowing that the plan was going exactly to plan. He needed to get Julia away from Anna to be able to properly go through with it. "Where do you...?"

"Mind if we go out back? I.... Don't want her to hear...." He could tell his acting was working as Julia bit back her smile while she nodded. Once they were outside he leaned against the wall.

"So what's going on?" She asked as she watched him. His hands were still shoved in his pocket, his eyes trained on the ground.

"I.... You saw what happened last night right?" Julia nodded hesitantly at her words.

"I'm sorry Nyles. I really didn't mean to...." His hand came up carefully stopping her words.

"Not a big deal that's besides the point...." She eyed him noticing his quick and nervous words. "I.... We drove home together and Julia I don't know what to fucking do. We haven't spoken since. She's been fucking quiet. Not a damn word." Her eyes met his. "I.... What the fuck do I do Julia?"

"Have you tried to talk to her?" He sighed as he shook his head.

"What in the fuck am I gonna say?" He asked her.

"I mean you could just kiss her...." He immediately shook her head.

"I can't fucking do that." She laughed.

"And why not?" His terrified eyes met hers. "Just do it Nyles. Stop being a little bitch and do it." He blinked.

"What...?" He was baffled by Julia's response. Anna had told him he was probably going to get a long speech about how he should just open up to her but her response was completely different.

"Ball up and fucking kiss her Righty." He was staring at her.

"I.... I can't just fucking kiss her Julia." Her arms crossed over her chest.

"Why can't you? You scared? Like come on Nyles. We both saw the fact that if it hadn't been for the door she would've kissed you. Just fucking be a man and do it." When Nyles shook his head Julia took a step towards him. "You really are a little bitch aren't you?"

"You wanna stop calling me that?" His jaw tensed slightly as he spoke. "She was the one that fucking ran away. She's the one that won't fucking speak. You think me kissing hers gonna be the answer?" She nodded causing him to shake his head. "I knew I should've talked to Kris." He said before he tried to walk away only to be stopped by Julia. The hand that was on his chest pushed him back against the wall.

"I know you trust Kris but Kris doesn't know Anna like I do. I'm not fucking with you Nyles. You want my advice.... Just kiss her. It's the only way you two are ever going to see if you aren't just 'best friends' like you say you are." Her hand dropped before she stepped away from him finally allowing him to walk back inside.

Julia followed Nyles as he walked. His head was hung slightly so she couldn't see the smirk he had along his lips. Though her advice hadn't been what they expected she had still bought into it all. Nyles took in a big breath as he got closer to Anna. She was on her phone completely distracted. Julia hung back as she saw him grab the brunettes phone out of her hands. As Anna went to protest his other hand came up cupping her cheek before his lips pressed against hers.

Julia's mouth dropped. Just as it did Anna shoved Nyles away. Anna had to bite back a laugh as she saw his face drop knowing it was all fake.

"No.... No! What the fuck Anna!" Julia couldn't contain her words. That was when Nyles broke. He couldn't contain his laughter as it echoed through the empty training school. "Wait.... Why is he laughing?"

"Because he fucking kissed me last night." Julia's mouth dropped again. When she composed herself she went up to Nyles before slapping him on the arm hard.

"That's uncalled for." He commented before she shoved him.

"So was your act you dickhead." He laughed at her words. "You both aren't fucking with me right?" Anna shook her head as she leaned into Nyles. Without any hesitation his arm slipped around her shoulders. Julia immediately smashed them into a hug. "I hate you but I fucking love you both!" Anna laughed as the blonde pulled away.

"I hate and love you too." The brunette said as a smile appeared on her lips. "But I promise you we're not fucking with you."

"And I did kiss her." Anna hit him in the stomach as he laughed. Julia couldn't help her smile and laugh.

"So you did ball up.... I'm proud of you Righty." He chuckled as he laughed. "You're telling me about it all later...." Julia said as she looked at Anna who nodded before replying.

"You know I will."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora