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"Annnnnnaaaaa." Nyles slurred as his arm draped over Anna's shoulders steadying himself. He could see she had been talking with a few of her friends so he stayed quiet his arm still around her as he took another drink from his beer. When it came away from his mouth she took it away from him. "What are you....?" He stopped when he saw her drink the rest of it. "You ass." He groaned before he tried to go and get another bottle.

"You need to slow down." She commented as she turned towards him. He laughed at her as he leaned even more into her.

"What I need is for you to come and take a shot." Laura and Julia were watching the interaction between the two. "Laura tell her to come drink with me." Nyles had become friends with the Bunny and her husband at the end of their Impact days. While they weren't as close nowadays they still loved to mess with each other.

"I'm not doing a damn thing." Laura said as she saw the look she was getting from Anna. He groaned. "And don't you dare play the card." She said as she could see him trying to think of a way to get Anna to drink.

"You all suck." He said with a hiccup causing Anna to laugh.

"And you're drunk." He rolled his eyes at her words.

"Am not." She moved out from under his arm and immediately went toppling into the Bunny. "Sorry Laura." He said as the blonde shoved him upright.

"You don't need another drink." She replied before he once again groaned. "Don't you...." Before Laura could finish Nyles had spotted Orange Cassidy. He instantly went towards his old friend before the two went to the bar to get more drinks. "Oh he's gone."

"He's been gone." Anna commented before Kris came up to her.

"And you should be too. Just have some fun tonight. We all fucking need it and it's only us here. Who gives a fuck. Get drunk and forget about it all." Kris' words were honest. She knew the stress that Anna had been under the past few days and tonight was about forgetting about all of that. "I'll keep an eye on him. I promise." Anna was offered a shot by the older woman which she took instantly. Just as she took it she could see the three around her taking one.

"Fucking hell what was that?" Anna asked before Kris laughed.

"Jameson. Only shots they're serving tonight." Anna couldn't help but laugh. It was Stuffy's favorite liquor.

"Chris thought of it all didn't he?" Kris lightly chuckled as she nodded.

"He honestly did a great job with all of this with the time he had." The two exchanged a smile before Kris was pulled away by Nyles. As they walked away he looked back at Anna for a moment flashing her a quick smile. She couldn't help the one that appeared on her face as she saw it.

"So we're all drinking right?" Julia commented before the other two nodded. "Thank fuck!" She said before grabbing their wrists and dragging them towards the bar.

"Okay. Okay...! Okay! What's the bet?!" Chris Jericho got everyone's attention as he looked between Kenny Omega and Nyles.

"Oh god." Anna said under her breath as Julia laughed at the quiet words.

"I win, he comes to Dynamite on Wednesday. He wins, his drinks are on me." Everyone could hear that Kenny was just about sober.

"Kenny he's drunk. You've got to give him a fair shot." Anna commented before he turned around and looked at her. It was Nyles whoever who spoke up.

"It's quarters he's got no fucking chance." Drunk or not everyone knew that was his choice drinking game. "Thats a deal Kenny." The two men shook hands before everyone gathered around them. They both made it on their first go with each of them taking a shot of Jameson. On the second go Nyles missed. All eyes were on Kenny. He made the shot and Nyles cursed under his breath before taking another shot.

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