Wednesday Night's Alright

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Anna was sitting in makeup with the other female talent chatting when an iced coffee was dangled in front of her.

"Oh my god yes!" She said as she grabbed it from Nyles' hands. When she turned and saw him her eyes lit up. "You actually came?!" He had told her he was still thinking about going to Dynamite the night before. He still hadn't made up his mind.

"Kenny called." She raised her eyebrow at him before he laughed. "You'll see."

"Tell meeee." He laughed as he shook his head walking away.

"Enjoy your coffee Bluejay." When Orange Cassidy bumped into Nyles and the two walked off chatting Kris moved towards Anna.

"You don't think?" Kris asked Anna quietly.

"I fucking hope so."

The show opened with a memoir to Stuffy before Kenny went out and gave a tribute. Anna and Kris were watching a monitor to the side with a few others before they both could see Nyles walk up to Tony Kahn. The two chatted for a moment genuine smiles on each of their faces before they shook hands and Tony went back to his position. That's when they heard.

"Now I don't think this tribute would be complete without one person." Nyles' head dropped as his fathers music hit. Anna could see his shoulders go up and down before he shook his head. This would be one of the last times they would all hear this song on a wrestling show.

Anna and Kris were both watching him as he walked up the stairs towards the ramp. They both let out a breath as they could see the smile along his lips.

"That's fucking awesome Tony." The older man gave him a nod and a genuine smile before Nyles walked out to the ramp. The crowd immediately started cheering. As Nyles went down the ramp he took in the moment just as his father would've. His eyes met Kenny's for a moment before the older man smiled and motioned for him to do exactly what his father would've done. He went towards the sides of the ramp fist bumping everyone with his thumb up.

At the corner of the ramp there was a young kid. The kid was smiling cheering with his thumb stuck out trying to get Nyles attention. When Nyles noticed he couldn't help the smile along his lips as he lightly laughed his head falling slightly as he remembered the countless times he had been in the same position as the child. He went over to the kid propping him up on the barricade before they fist bumped. He turned to the camera that had been following him looking into it before he said the exact same thing his father did before every match.

"This kid right here.... He's got the right stuff." They fist bumped one more time before he carefully handed the child back to his father a fist bump exchanged between the two older men before he made his way into the ring.

"Do your thing kid." Kenny said as the two exchanged a quick hug and he passed off the mic. Nyles paused for a moment as the Stuffy chants echoed around the arena. Anna could see him bite the inside of his cheek on the screen backstage and knew he was fighting his emotions. After a moment Nyles began to speak about his father telling the crowd a story from when his was younger and his father was still regularly wrestling.

"But there was one thing Stuffy wouldn't let me do before getting out of this ring...." Anna and Kris exchanged a glance before their eyes went back to the screen. "And that's walk out of here without giving everyone the show they deserve." Everyone piled around the screen in the back listening as he continued. "So...." They could all see him take a deep breath in as his eyes closed. Nyles couldn't help the smile along his lips as he said his fathers famous line for when he was giving an open challenge. "Let's see who's got the Right Stuff. Until then...." The crowd finished it.

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Where stories live. Discover now