A Walk To Remember

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"You're coming out drinking right Bluejay?" Nyles asked Anna as they were walking to his car.

"As long as there's no Jameson involved yes." He chuckled as he threw his bag into the back.

"No Jameson. Just celebrating." He said as they got into the car. "No car?" She shook her head.

"Got a ride from Tay. Figured you might show up." He chuckled as he shook his head. "Since you're forcing me out I'm getting a dance." He groaned. "Shut it you love to dance."

"You're lucky you do." He commented as he started the car. She knew she was the only one that could get him to dance unless he was drunk enough. He would always blame it on him not being able to dance but they both knew it was simply because nobody could typically keep up with him. Just like her he had danced as a child but for him dancing was put on the back burner when he turned ten as from there on out he focused solely on wrestling.

"You know it's been a long while since I've seen you have that much fun in a ring." He chuckled as he looked over at her.

"What do you expect when I'm in there with Orange. That was the funnest matches I've ever had besides the one with Kris." He said before he took off towards the hotel they were staying at. "It's really just a fucking shame that Stuffy couldn't see it."

"He would've blown the roof off. But we both know he was watching Righty." She said as her hand moved to gently pat his thigh before squeezing it. His eyes met hers for a quick moment before he shot her a smile. "You really need to change?" She asked him as she saw him going towards the hotel and not the bar.

"Thought you would want to...." She shook her head as she laughed.

"I'm fine in this Righty. We can go straight to the bar." He looked over at her before he chuckled lightly.

"I still want to be able to drink. Can't drink if I've gotta drive you home." She looked over at him for a moment before nodding.

"Alright but we are not getting as drunk as last time." He couldn't help his laughter as he nodded.

"Couldn't agree more. Not winding up in your bed tonight." She bit the inside of her cheek at his words. She could see him looking at her out of the corner of his eyes, watching her reaction. She still hadn't told him about Kris seeing them kiss at the club. While she had wanted to she also wanted to simply move on from it and not make things more awkward.

"I think Julia would throw you out of the room if you tried." She said with a laugh before he chuckled.

"Julia couldn't throw you out of the room let alone me. Who are you kidding?" Anna laughed.

"I'm telling her you said that. She's going to put you on your ass." Nyles simply laughed as he pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"She does I'll buy you both a drink." His hand extended towards her.

"Deal." She said before they both got out of the car. "Bar close enough to walk or should we call a cab?"

"Can walk. We'll order a ride home though." She nodded before they started on their walk towards the bar. As they walked he looked over at her and could see that she was slightly shivering. "Cold Bluejay?" When she nodded he instantly took his zip-up off before draping it over her shoulders. As she slipped the fabric over her arms a smile formed along her lips.

"Thank you Righty." His arm draped over her shoulders before she was pulled into him. "Why the fuck are you always so warm?" He laughed as he felt her lean into him more

"Why are you always cold?" She shrugged as she laughed. "Good now Bluejay?" She nodded. "Should've gotten a car."

"I'm fine Righty." She stated as she looked up at him. "Little cold never killed anyone." He chuckled lightly as his hand ran along her arm. "Sucks I'm not going to have my injury buddy." She commented before he looked at her.

"I've still gotta work through everything with Tony and Kenny. Gonna be a bit before I actually get the contract as you know. So you're stuck with me until then and by then you'll probably be back." He said before her eyes met his. "You'll be sick of me before you can even blink." She rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

"You wish I would get sick of you." He laughed lightly shaking his head at her.

"Nah. Would fucking suck not being able to pick on you." She shoved him lightly separating them for a moment before they laughed and she slipped back under his arm. "Oh well this is gonna be fun." Nyles commented as he saw Jack Perry staring at the both of them.

"Fuck him." Anna stated before walking right past her ex boyfriend. Throughout their entire relationship Jack had been convinced that Anna and Nyles were dating even though they never did. Jack let his emotions take over one night and he wound up cheating on Anna trying to get revenge for what he thought was a picture of her kissing Nyles when it was in fact a picture of him kissing one of his ex's. "Idiot cheated on me." She said once they were inside the bar. When Anna looked up at Nyles she could see his expression go from calm to slightly mad. "Forget about it. I dumped him. Got the last laugh."

"I need a fucking drink." He commented as they made their way towards their friends Anna slipping from beneath his arm as they did. When Kris shot her a knowing smirk she discreetly flicked the older woman off. "Bluejay whatcha want? I'm payin'." She grabbed his card putting it into his pocket before grabbing out hers.

"Old Fashioned and I'm paying." He shook his head before she took over ordering for them both, using her card to start the tab.

"You're not paying for it all." Nyles commented as the two waited. Anna simply rolled her eyes before responding.

"You just got signed. We're celebrating. Fuck off Righty."

Bluejay (Anna Jay x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt