Chapter One

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"Not the pipes again" a voice said, looking forlornly at the ceiling of the empty warehouse. One of the pipes had decided to leak again, much to his dismay. "I guess this is what you get from buying abandoned warehouses for cheap" he muttered, grabbing a bucket from the corner of the room and putting it under the leak, hoping to catch the droplets before they pool and make a mess of his studio floor.

"Remind me to actually inspect the place before I move in!" he called out to his companion, although he knew it was useless. They never listened to him anyways. He just needed to air his thoughts out, like how he aired his feelings through his creations.


He loved it. It was in a way, his first love. Art had helped him in ways no one ever could. It helped him express his feelings, helped him make sense of the environment around him. In a way, the fact he could make something truly perfect in an imperfect world if he wanted to, is nothing short of incredible. Unfortunately...he was never able to do so.

Oh, he tried. He tried everything in his power to create something he deemed perfect. He bought expensive materials, poured hours upon hours into his work, and studied extraordinary artists until the days bled into each other. But none of this worked. His creations were still not up to par to his standards. He knew what he made was beautiful, was never perfect. Nothing he made had truly reached perfection in his eyes.

So, instead of burning himself out trying to create something perfect, he decided to work on the foundations instead. Making sure that he honed them so that his true final product would be flawless. He only had one shot at it after all, because the most important material that he desperately needed to create this final project was a truly rare thing. So, slowly but surely, he improved his techniques. Learning more effective ways to convey his messages. Doing this until he was confident enough that he could attempt to create his masterpiece.

While placing all of his equipment into boxes and moving them to his car, he contemplated his next journey. He was close, he knew it. He was ready to create his final piece. The next four practice runs would be enough before the big finale. He could feel his heart rate pick up as he thought about it.

"Just a little bit more" he whispered, looking at the picture sitting on the empty table lovingly. He had carried this picture since the beginning, a motivation for his actions. Finishing up, he walked over to the photo and picked it up, caressing the glass. Admiring at the perfect figure printed on paper, deep in thought, their thumb running across their bottom lip. Not noticing that he had taken a picture of them in secret. His perfect muse, his biggest supporter, the one who was there from the beginning. He was sure he had a lovestruck expression on his face. "I cannot wait to see you again~". Finally, he would be close enough to hold his beloved in his arms. The myriad of pictures and paintings he had were never enough to truly catch the beauty of his darling doll. "But that doesn't matter, does it?" he said, looking up at the bigger painting he had created of his angel. "Soon, I will have the real you".

But before he could do anything else, there was a crash. He sighed in annoyance. Looking apologetically at the painting, he placed a gentle kiss. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but it seems like I am needed somewhere else", then placed the picture gently on the table. Looking over his shoulder, he shouted "watch the place for me" to his companion. Walking past the still figure sitting on the floor, stepping over the puddles of red on the floor, he reached the door to his studio room.

Opening it up, he frowned. His newest creation was still in the works, but it's going along nicely. Unfortunately, it had fallen, creating a mess on the floor. "What am I going to do with you?" he muttered to himself, looking around. The neatly stacked books and chairs had fallen over, along with the model for this particular artwork. Not only that, the paint cans had spilled over, covering the floor and parts of the wall. He clenched his fist, getting angry would do no good, especially when he's so close to his goal and in turn, his lovely doll. Instead, in a flash of inspiration, he picked up one of the empty buckets and walked over to the fallen subject. "No worries~" he shrugged, "what kind of artist am I if I can't improvise, am I right?". "And you, my darling, just gave me a wonderful idea" he smiled, carrying the subject to a secluded part of the studio so he could work on her.

He had decided to dedicate this art to his next destination, Los Angeles, where he will publicly display his artworks for the last time. There, he will finally be reunited with his angel to create the perfect artwork. He started working on the subject, cutting out areas he thinks could be used in the final product.




The sound of droplets falling onto the ground had gotten louder now. But, he found himself not caring. This time, the cause was something far better than a leaky pipe. After all, there was something alluring about the slow drip of crimson, its dark colour pooling on the floor as he worked, staining the previously white floors.

"Crystal blue..." he muttered to himself. That won't do. He wanted to convey Los Angeles. And while the bright blue hue on the subject was beautiful, it didn't convey the right meaning. "It's a shame I have to take these out" he said to himself, gesturing towards the almost glassy like orbs, "But unfortunately, they don't fit my theme". He smiled, "But, don't worry, I will put these to good use".

After all, everything has to be just right, and he is determined to make this a show stopper.

As he worked, he could feel anticipation building up inside him. He couldn't wait to get to Los Angeles. He would take the city by storm. Soon everyone, including his beloved doll, would know his name.

Adding and removing aspects of the subject piece by piece, he could visualize what he needed to do in order to make this project a success. Looking over at the beginnings on his project, he grinned, "Don't worry darling. Soon, you will become a part of history". Humming as he imagined what life would be like with the one he loved at his side. As he worked, a singular promise filled his mind, fueling his drive.

I will see you beautiful doll~

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