Chapter Thirty

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Billy had to pace around the room like a trapped wild animal as they waited for the techs to see if there was anything that they could glean from the camera. They actually should've done that earlier, but considering the content, they were all given a pass. Merrick had asked if they wanted to switch out due to their personal connections to the case, but one look at everyone's outraged expression was enough to make anyone back down from that offer.

During that time, Charlie had rushed into the office followed by Alan who was hot on his heels. Charlie said that while he hasn't completely finished with the calculations, he was close and that he could just do them in the office. Megan had told Alan to go home but he refused, saying that his sons needed him. Unable to fight the wrath of one Alan Eppes, she relented, noting that both Alan and Amita could be there to help keep Charlie grounded since Don wasn't around.

"Guys! The techs just told us that they're done with it," Colby said as he walked into the room carrying the laptop under one arm.

"Alright! I'll hook this up and we should be able to see what Baker sent us," David replied, getting up to set everything up. Looking around, Billy could see the tension on everyone's faces as they all got together. Foots and pencils tapping on hard surfaces, tightly clenched fists, self-soothing gestures. All of them betrayed the anxiety that they felt underneath the surface. Billy couldn't really blame them really. He knew he was doing the same thing, crossing his arms while he tapped his finger on his arm impatiently. The only one who didn't have a very obvious tell was Ian. He just stood there cooly, arms crossed as his dark gaze observed the people around them. But Billy knew him far longer than anyone else has and could tell by the tense grip he had on his arms and the set jaw that he wasn't as calm and detached as he seems.

"He's fine, he has to be," Charlie spoke up, trying to convince himself.

"Okay, I've set everything up," David said, standing upright. "But before we start, I just want to warn everyone that anything can happen here. If you don't feel like you can handle it, you can leave." His eyes went over to the civilians of the group, gauging their response.

Charlie stood straighter. "I'm not going back on my word." His voice was a little shaky but determined. Alan, Amita, and Larry also looked both determined and concerned, huddling around each other.

Megan nodded. "Since no one is backing out, we can start. David?" David nodded then pressed play. They all went to their seats, worried about what this was all about.

The video starts with the paper that they saw on the thumbnail. After a few seconds, the paper was tossed aside to reveal who they were all expecting, the smug face of one former Agent Rick Baker. "Good evening everyone," he greeted cheerfully, "I'm sorry I couldn't stay for longer but unfortunately, I had important things to do, isn't that right sweetheart?" As soon as he asked that, muffled sounds along with the rattling of chains could be heard, one that Billy recognized.

Baker sighed, fixing the camera so that it would be lowered. As soon as he did that, everyone in the room cursed as David paused the recording. Now, they could see Don and he wasn't in good condition. "Bastard," Billy hissed underneath his breath. He could hear Ian growl beside him as they took a good look at what happened.

Unfortunately, they couldn't really tell through Don's face since he was both blindfolded and gagged, the black fabric around his eyes and duct tape around his mouth contrasted heavily against his pale skin. He was tugging at his bonds, his wrists bloody due to how tight the handcuffs were and how vigorous he was struggling against them. His shirt had been ripped open, exposing old scars that none of them knew existed along with a new one, the letter "A" that was carved over his chest. His shoulders were littered with bite marks that look like they were in the process of healing. There was a black collar around his neck that was clearly fastened tightly so that it was uncomfortable for him. The worst injury had to be his leg though. The limb wasn't cuffed to the chair and in fact, was bent somewhat awkwardly. It was clear that it was completely broken in half and a part of Billy wondered how that happened.

"Don..." Charlie's sorrowful whisper was the only sound that filled the empty room.

"Wait a second," Ian said, getting closer. As soon as he did, he slammed a hand onto the table. "That son of a bitch!" he shouted angrily.

"What is it?" Alan asked worriedly.

Ian looked at them with a conflicted expression, eyes flickering from the footage back to the people in the room.

"Just spit it out," Billy hissed, impatient.

Ian sighed then pointed to an area on the collar, "Do you see that black box that looks like it's strapped to the collar?"

They all went closer to the projection, squinting their eyes. Now that Ian pointed it out, Billy could see that there was a black box that was attached to the collar.

"What's that?" Charlie asked, his tone hesitant. They all had a feeling that none of them would like where this was going.

"That's where the batteries and wires lay," he said through clenched teeth, his stance tense as he glared at the video. If looks could kill, everyone on the floor would have a one-way ticket to ride the express train to the afterlife. "That isn't just a normal collar, that's a fucking shock collar." he spat.

Everyone paled as soon as they heard that, the reality of the situation sinking in. "Oh god..." Alan muttered under his breath, horrified.

"Don..." Charlie whispered, eyes wide.

"Does anyone want to walk out right now?" Megan asked, looking at them worriedly. Despite the worry and anger on their faces, everyone in the room shook their heads. "Alright then, play the clip David," she ordered, her jaw set. David nodded and started the video.

"Don't be so rude. After all, I have you on record right now," Baker said sweetly, looking at the camera. Don growled from the back of his throat, furiously pulling at his restraints. Baker behind him and wrapped his arms around the bound agent, smiling. "Don't you worry, my pretty little doll. I'll make sure to make this fun for all of us."

That sounded more like an omen than any threat Billy's ever heard.

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