Chapter Seven

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He watched from afar, making sure his beloved was rendered unconscious. He could never be too careful when it came to his doll. No matter how delicate the other man looked to him, he was still a highly successful and dangerous FBI agent. He wasn't so delusional that he couldn't see what his doll was capable of.

Looking at the car, he could see that his agent was still trying to cling to consciousness. Stubborn man, he thought fondly. Thankfully, the car was parked in a sheltered area of the hotel's parking lot, so there was no threat of someone coming across this little scene. He was free to watch as his precious doll weakly pounded the window, probably hoping to attract attention. Sorry sweetheart, luck is not on your side this time. Then his agent looked up, locking eyes with him. He was impressed that even through the haze of the drugs, his doll still managed to glare intensely before he slumped over the steering wheel.

He waited a little more, just in case it was a fluke before he started to approach the car. Peering inside, he could tell that the other man was completely unconscious. He smiled, satisfied at his work. Good, don't want to ruin the surprise by having him wake up early, do we?

He opened the door, letting the vapours air out before he stepped inside. It wouldn't do for him to get knocked out by his own concoction. Then he wrapped his arms around the unconscious man and pulled him out then placed him gently in the back seat. Once the car was sufficiently rid of any lingering drugs, he stepped in. Tossing his doll's gun that he managed to steal onto the front seat, he looked at the rear view mirror, smiling. He couldn't wait to look at his angel up close.

Thankfully, he managed to find a temporary holding place nearby on such short notice. The universe really was looking up at him. He didn't really plan to take his doll this early, but seeing him in person made him long to hold him, even for a moment. So, he decided to make this last minute plan. One which worked beautifully, just as everything he made always did.

He pulled up into the empty house located in a deserted area where people barely pass by. Then he parked the car, stepped out, opened the backseat and carried his sleeping agent into the house, making sure that no one saw him as he did. A part of him couldn't help but fantasize this moment as something else, like carrying his bride towards their newly bought house. Maybe later, he smiled to himself. He somehow managed to open the multiple doors it takes to get to the bedroom even with someone in his arms. He settled his beloved doll gently on the bed, making sure not to jostle the man too much. Rummaging around the man's belt, he found the silver handcuffs. He took off the agent's suit jacket, tossed it aside, and cuffed his hands together, looping them around the metal bedpost so that it was extra secure. His doll may be smaller than him, but he is definitely stronger and more experienced and could take him out if he's not careful.

Once the handcuffs are secured and tested, he could finally have a look at his beloved up close. He traced his fingers down the other man's face, surprised to find that his skin was softer than he expected. Cupping the other man's face gently, he ran a thumb across his doll's lower lip. The agent reminded him of Snow White in a way. Skin as white as snow, hair as dark as coal, lips as red as blood. He never really understood how those contrasting things could ever work. Looking at other people who try to achieve that same look just end up looking boring to him. But somehow, it works on his doll. Maybe it was because the colours weren't extreme in contrast, with the man's jet black hair being the only stark pop of colour. His doll's skin was pale, but not sickly and his lips were a perfect shade of pink instead of the blood red from the stories. But even with these differences, he still couldn't help but draw parallels, especially since the man was asleep due to a poisonous substance. My princess, he thought amusedly. No doubt his doll would object to being called that. Well, he'll just have to deal with it.

He began to untie the tie, pocketing it just in case he needed something to turn into a makeshift gag. Then he slowly started to unbutton the shirt one by one. Pushing the material aside, he was able to fully see his doll's well-built figure. He ran his hand over the agent's solid body then placed a hand on his chest, feeling the strong heartbeat underneath. He knew the agent was in good shape, he just wasn't able to completely appreciate it until now. Now that he was able to take a good look at his doll, he could see the myriad of injuries that were hidden by the man's clothes. A gunshot here, a stab wound there, multiple faded laceration marks and even some burn marks. There were probably even more injuries that were currently hidden by his doll's position, as he could see some marks peeking from behind the man's shoulder. Most likely gained from when the agent tries his hardest to protect the people around him or when he manages to land himself into trouble and can't help but antagonize whoever was threatening him. He stroked his doll's face gently, "You're too kind for your own good. A true angel that no one deserves. But don't worry, I'll take care of you from now on."

Suddenly there was a ring, one that he knew didn't come from his own cellphone. Walking over to where he threw the agent's suit jacket, he rummaged through the pockets. There, he found a cellphone, no doubt belonging to his sleeping angel. Looking at the caller ID, he frowned. The caller was someone by the name of Gary Walker. Probably that old man that came by the FBI office earlier he thought. But looking at the phone, something else piqued his curiosity. Using the other man's fingerprint, he managed to unlock the phone and check his contact list. Looking at the recent calls, a burning anger flashed through him. One that spread through his entire body. The last call that his doll made wasn't to his father, it was to another man.

Ian Edgerton.

He clenched his jaw. His doll hadn't waited for him after all. Instead, he went out and fell in love with another man. He recalled the soft smile on the other man's face when he said "Love you too". That smile was supposed to be for me and ONLY me. He's MINE. Images of his doll going on dates with this man, of sweet domestic moments where this man gets to see a side of his angel that no one ever sees. Those moments were supposed to be for me! I was supposed to be his first and last! His head snapped towards the figure on the bed. He stepped forward, fully intending to force the man awake and demand answers. But then he stopped. Clutching the phone tightly, he took a deep breath. Being mad wouldn't do much. That could lead to mistakes, ones that he couldn't afford to have. His sweetheart probably didn't even realize who he was truly meant for. But still, this can't completely go unpunished.

Going over to the sleeping man and placing a kiss on his cheek, he whispered lovingly into the agent's ear.

"Don't worry sweetheart. Soon, you will know who you belong to. After all, you're my beautiful doll."

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