Chapter Thirty Two

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Ian watched as Alan along with Megan and Amita rushed out after Charlie, clearly concerned by his reaction. Not that he could blame them. This entire thing was disturbing, even for an experienced agent like him. It also didn't help that this was about Don, the man he loved more than anything in the world. The man he was willing to open his heart to and admit that yes, he is capable of love. To see him get treated like he was nothing but an object made Ian's blood boil, especially when Baker kept blaming Don for everything that was happening. Don was an idiot, no one would deny that, but none of this was his fault.

"Should we wait?" David asked, worried.

"No," Ian replied, "Don doesn't have time. We need to look over this fast." Then he pointed his chin at the direction that Charlie went out. "He'll come back soon anyways."

David nodded. But before he was able to play the video again, Megan walked in. "Alan's and Amita are him right now," she said. Then she sat down, waving her hand at David. "Play the video."

"Alright..." Then proceeded to press play again.

After that disgusting display, Baker continued, slowly leaving shallow cuts throughout Don's body, spewing comments that made everyone uncomfortable, ones that dug under their skin and made them itch for a shower. Ian felt his disgust and rage rise with every statement, his need to drive a bullet into the man's skull growing with each second that passed.

"There you go," Baker spoke lovingly before harshly gripping Don's face, forcing him to turn his head. "I figured that you'd look pretty covered in red" the man said as he gently ran his thumb back and forth over Don's cheek. "But I know that you would look even prettier covered in white" he grinned widely, the slow seductive drawl in his tone made it clear for everyone who heard him what he was talking about. Ian clenched his fist in anger, frustrated at his inability to stop his partner from suffering even further.

Don let out a muffled sound as he jerked his head away from the hand, then he aggressively got into Baker's face as best as he could, pulling at the handcuffs that were restraining him, his threat clear. I'm never going down so you better stop before you do something you'll regret. Even without looking at his full expression, Ian could tell that everyone knew what Don was trying to say.

"Alright, alright," Baker said, smiling, walking in front of Don, his back facing the camera, clearly ignoring the threat. "I'll take the tape off." As he muttered something about Don being spoiled under his breath, he carefully peeled it off. Ian would've been surprised at the gentleness if he didn't already know the fact that this man was about as manipulative as the average politician. As of now, they all tensed up, waiting for the ball to drop right on top of Don's head. "There you go. How is it?"

"Would've been nicer if I could see," Don spat out, sounding annoyed. "Then again, I'd have to see your face and well...I think death is a much nicer fate than that" he muttered under his breath. Ian almost snorted at that. Leave it to Don to have a sarcastic comment under the worst circumstances. Looking around, Ian could see a small smile on Billy along with the team's faces, torn between being worried and pissed or amused, a feeling that happens far too often when Don is involved.

"Still insisting on playing hard to get?" Baker said, his tone unamused.

"Considering everything? I'd say I'm letting you off easy," Don shot back, unwilling to back down.

"Damnit Donnie, shut the fuck up," Cooper hissed, recognizing the change in Baker's attitude. His body was tense, like a spring that threatened to bounce out of its confines and take out an eye at any second. For once, Ian had to agree with him.

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