Chapter Nine

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Gary was driving down the streets of LA, his finger tapping on the steering wheel. Don Eppes hasn't contacted him in two days. Last they talked was in the FBI building on Monday in the morning. It's Wednesday morning now, and there was still no sign of the man. No calls, no texts, nothing. When he tried to call, all he got was silence. Gary understood that Don was most likely extremely busy, but a part of him was concerned. There was a nagging feeling on the back of his mind, one that only came with years of experience. He wasn't lying when he said that he didn't like this. Something about the case rubbed him the wrong way, and he had a feeling that Don was in the middle of everything.

Looking down at his phone, he contemplated whether it would be wise of him to contact someone on Don's team. But before he could make a decision, his cellphone rang. Gary parked his car on the side and pulled out his phone, frowning at the unfamiliar number. He was about to ignore it, but something in his gut told him that he should answer, just this once.


"Hello Lt. Walker" a smooth voice said over the line, "It's nice to hear from you".

"Who is this?" Gary asked suspiciously.

"I know we haven't met, but I believe you know me. After all, it was you who was the first to show up and admire my work."

Alarm bells were ringing in his head, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Have you forgotten as well? And you law enforcement people are supposed to be intelligent" the man tutted, sounding disappointed.

"Cut the crap and tell me what the hell is going on before I hang up" Gary hissed, not in the mood to play games.

"Oh, you don't want to do that, especially when I'm here to show you my latest project" the man crooned. "After all, the look on your faces when you found that woman from the tech company was priceless. It makes running away from you people worth it".

"You're the one who killed her," Gary said simply.

"There you go! Point one for law enforcement", the man's voice had a sarcastic tone to it. "Now, since you people love my work so much, I'll give you the location of my next project, along with a little gift just for you Lieutenant. I hope you like it", then the call went dead.

Gary put his cell down, not liking the sound of that at all. The man's voice was unnerving, cheerful in a fake way that would send alarm bells to anyone who heard it. He's psychotic, Gary concluded. He didn't need a profiler to know that.

Suddenly a text message popped up. Opening it up, Gary could see an address listed on it. At first, he tried to call Don again, but the man still hadn't answered. Making up his mind, Gary grabbed his radio and called for backup. Then he drove to the address, his knuckles white due to the death grip he had on the steering wheel.

Arriving at the place, Gary could see a couple cars already in front, a SWAT team along with a few other officers were standing around, waiting for him and monitoring the situation. He stepped out, looking around the area. It was a quiet place, with more plant life than human life. The fact that a singular house was located in this area is a surprise in itself. The perfect hiding place he thought ruefully. One of the officers saw him and ran up.

"What's the situation?" Gary asked.

"No movement so far. The killer might've already run off" she replied.

"Alright. Get ready to breach". Everyone ran off to their designated areas, alert and ready for any danger that might come. He made sure to prepare himself, hooking the earpiece into his hear and strapping on the kevlar vest that was handed to him. Gary then stood in front of the front door, gun drawn. He looked at the team behind him and nodded. "Go, go, go" he shouted into the microphone. One of the SWAT members brought the door down and they all ran in, shouting "LAPD FREEZE!". They looked around, making sure that the entire place was empty.

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