Chapter Thirty Seven

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Don spat out the remains of the cursed liquid from his mouth, the white droplets betraying their sinister nature as his mind tried to block the previous events out of his mind. Unfortunately, that was accompanied by the sound of a zipper being pulled up, a reminder of what happened. "Bas...tard," he growled, panting as air managed to freely flow back into his lungs. He could feel a bit of moisture in the corners of his eyes from when he'd been crying earlier.

After all that, he felt a small bit of comfort at the fact he might not have anything left to cry about much longer.

"Don't be like that doll," Baker cooed, swiping a thumb over Don's lower lip. He wiped off some of the liquid that still clung to them and to Don's disgust, licked it off his thumb, grinning widely. Don had to swallow down saliva lest he decided to retch all over the floor.

It's times like these where he wished he was still blindfolded.

Baker let out a laugh at his disgusted expression and went to ruffle his hair, kissing him on the head as he did so. "I'm going to go and start making lunch," he said, "just yell at me if you need anything."

Don internally scoffed, The only thing I'll be needing from you is to get the hell away from me. Giving him one last kiss on his cheek this time, Baker went out of Don's sight and walked up the stairs, his footsteps fading in the background. Now that he was alone again, he could take a break. Putting his head onto his chest, he decided to take a bit of a nap, taking every advantage he could get when it came to getting some time alone.


The loud crash as if something was thrown on something solid woke him from his little nap. If he strained his ears, he could hear cursing as Baker ran around back and forth, sending small bits of dust into the floors below. Don could feel his heart rate pick up at this. He sounds mad. Don wondered what happened to set him off this time.

He heard the loud bang of the basement door being slammed open and couldn't help but flinch. He tensed as he could feel Baker's presence slowly appear behind him, looming over him. It wasn't long before the man came into view, his expression furious. Without warning, he held his hand up and backhanded Don across the face, causing Don to see stars for a moment as the stinging pain exploded on his cheek. "What the hell did you do?" the man snarled.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything," he fought back.

"Liar!" Baker shouted as he grabbed onto the leash that was still clipped on and yanked it. "You told them where we are, didn't you?"

"You're fucking delusional! How could I tell them where we are?" He hissed.

"I don't know, but somehow they know where we are," Baker growled, looking angrier by the second. "You sent them a message didn't you? Like in the park."

Don shook his head, "I didn't send them any messages!" He replied, "And even if I did, why would it take them this long to get me? If I had the means to be rescued, wouldn't you think I would've done that by now?"

Baker growled again and then roughly shoved him, stepping away and pacing around like a trapped animal. Considering what the man said earlier, it was an apt reference. "Bastards...trying to ruin my happiness."

Don almost shouted at the man for that but decided to hold his tongue. He needed more information, and fast. This was starting to get even more dangerous. "What are you going to do huh? Drag me away to another location?"

Baker fixed his eyes on Don and he almost shrunk. The man's green eyes almost glowed in the darkness with insanity, his wide-eyed stare almost bottomless, dragging anyone down to its crazy depths. "No," he said, a slow smile dragging across his face. "We don't have time for that, but that's okay...I have another plan."

Don didn't like the blank wild stare that the man had as he smiled at Don, the grin looking almost like plastic. It was artificial and uncanny. "What?" he growled.

Baker didn't say anything as he came nearer, reaching out to slowly run his hand down Don's face before stopping to cup the side of his face. "My sweet, beautiful angel," he murmured, his eyes filled with love. "I really wish we could live our lives together until the end," he sounded remorseful, which didn't bode well for Don. "But unfortunately, it seems like our time would be cut short." Then he went to tightly grip Don's chin before pulling him closer. "I won't let anyone take you away from me."

Don could feel his heart beat faster as he tried to rip himself out of Baker's tight hold. "What the hell are you talking about?" he hissed.

But instead of answering him, Baker went to unlock one of the cuffs that were holding his arms to the armrests. As soon as he did that, Don tried to swipe at him, hoping to take the man down. Unfortunately, Baker dodged out of the way and managed to grab his wrist, trapping it in place. Then, as if realizing that he needed to have Don incapacitated to do whatever it was he wanted to do, he grabbed hold of the bullet wound that was still healing and dug his fingers into it, reopening the wound.

Don screamed as his vision turned white and the intense pain burned through him like never before. He slumped over, not completely out but barely there. He could almost register someone hugging him, running their fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. There were soft shushes and barely hidden apologies that managed to worm its way through his clouded mind.

As he waded through the slugs of his mind, his surroundings became clearer and clearer. It wasn't long before he realized that Baker was the one hugging him, calming him down after ripping his wound open. He could hear the soft apologies and shallow justifications whispered into his hair as the man held him close, making Don shudder in disgust. When he tried to move his hand, he realized that they were no longer cuffed to the chair. No, they were now cuffed together, his arms bound behind him. "What is this?"

Baker let go, although judging by his face, he was reluctant to. "This is so I can move you better." The man smiled.

"Move me for what?" Didn't he say that he's not going to run away? What's his plan now?

"For our first time of course," he grinned wider and Don could feel his heart drop. "I wanted our final moments to be special," he ran a gentle hand over the side of Don's face.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What final moments?" he hissed, eager to drag this conversation on for longer.

Baker clicked his tongue in mock disappointment. "You're smarter than this doll," the man said. Then he went nearer, trapping Don in between his arms as he leaned in. "Don't you remember what I said about not running as my plan?"

Don nodded, unsure where this was heading.

"Well, what other plan is there, one that will guarantee that you'll be with me?"

Don racked his brain for the answer. Admittedly, due to the earlier injury and his general lack of sleep, his mind was running slower than usual. But suddenly, like a bolt of lighting, the answer struck his brain. His horror must've been written all across his face because Baker laughed, leaning even closer until his lips brushed across Don's ear.

"That's right sweetheart" he whispered, his hand trailing down Don's arm to reach his hand. As soon as he did, Baker intertwined their fingers, his own hand playfully twisting the ring that on Don's finger, the one that he had forgotten was even on him. "You know what they say at weddings. For better or worse..." he trailed off, the vow hanging heavily in the air.

"Till death do us part."

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