Chapter Eleven

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Baker took a sip of his coffee after he heard Don's tale, his face calm and serious. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Don shrugged, "I'll be fine," he smiled. "What we need to focus on now is getting this bastard into jail".

"The problem is, how?" Gary said, "I mean he's evaded us so far."

Baker looked at Don with a contemplative look on his face. Don was about to ask him but Gary managed to cut through, "Absolutely not" he hissed.

"He's the best lead we have!"

"He is, but we are NOT putting him back into that situation!"

"Uh, guys?"

"He will be protected!"

"We all know this man is intelligent. He WILL find a way to get through all the precautions we've put in place. Can you guarantee his safety then?!"


"It might be risky but it's a chance I'll take!"

"Will you be able to look his family and team in the eye knowing that you put him in danger all for a CHANCE of catching this person?!"

"GUYS!" Don shouted, exasperated. Both Baker and Gary ceased their fighting to stare at him. Don crossed his arms, annoyed, "I'm right here you know".

"Right..." Baker muttered, embarrassed.

"Eppes, you can't possibly agree to this" Gary said, "everyone would kill you if they found out".

"And I'd like to stay alive thank you very much,". Turning towards Baker, he said, "I'm sorry, but I'm not really stoked to be bait. Not this time at least". He leaned back, sighing, "We'll try another way first, then if all else fails, we'll do Baker's plan as our last resort". He gave both of them a pointed look, raising his eyebrow, "Okay?".

They both looked like they wanted to object, but it seems like they thought better because they both sighed at the same time before nodding. "Fine," Baker said, glaring at Gary.

Gary put his hands up, "Well it's not all hopeless. We have a plan, right Don?"

Don nodded, "right". He then started to explain the outline of what they are planning to do. Once he was done, Baker leaned back, contemplating. "So...?" Don asked.

"It would be a lot of reading," Baker muttered, but then he looked at Don, a grin on his face, "but it could work". Reaching for a notebook in his breast pocket, Baker placed it on the desk. "You were right about the sister knowing something" Baker stated, "she told me that Annalise was dating a man and that they were planning on having their portraits painted. She gave me a list of phone numbers that Annalise had written down in her search."

"You think that one of them could be the killer?" Gary asked.

"It would make sense for the killer's to be an actual artist in his day job. It could be a way for him to scout his victims" Don said, rifling through the names and phone numbers. "We can cross check them with any of our past victims and the list of visitors in the FBI."

"I don't think he'll be using his name," Gary replied, "At least not in the FBI building. It's too much of a risk". Gary shot Don a look, "He might be obsessed with you, but he's still extremely intelligent".

Don nodded, "You're right. We'll still cross check anyways, but we shouldn't really get our hopes up". Then he handed the book to Baker. "Is there anything else?"

Baker nodded. "I got the address of the boyfriend. I don't think he's in on it but he might have some information regarding the artists they've come across".

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