Chapter Thirty Three

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For once since this entire ordeal started, Don didn't wake up from a drug induced slumber. Which, considering his current situation, he figured that it was a sign that things were starting to look up for him. Then again... he hasn't woken up from any non-drug induced slumbers either, so maybe he should stop trying to predict how this would go and focus on whatever hellhole he's dug himself into.


Unfortunately, he was still blindfolded, so he couldn't tell whether or not he was in the same room or not. But judging by the chair he was on, he had a feeling that he was. Which he guessed made sense. He would've woken up if Baker decided to try and move him in the middle of the night, or whatever time it was when Don fell asleep. God... I can't already lose track of time, can I? The little nugget of realization started to worm its way into his skull. He hoped that he guessed correctly and that only a day or two had passed and not a whole week, because that would be really unpleasant.

He tried to strain his ears to listen for any sign of Baker, but he heard nothing. That could mean that the man wasn't home, or he was in a soundproof room. While he hoped for the former, he had a feeling that it was actually the latter. He's far too thorough, he thought to himself, shaking his head. He got lucky with the window in the attic, he knows he won't get lucky again. This time, it's a matter of skill, and Don wasn't sure if he was in the best condition to face it.

He decided to use this opportunity to relax a bit and gather himself before Baker came back. He needed all the energy he had in order to keep his control from slipping lest he gave himself away. While he might not be able to go against Baker right now when it comes to skill, he sure as hell would try to match his wits.

Thinking back, Don was secretly grateful that Baker stopped the recording there. No one needed to know what happened after that, when Baker decided that it was a good idea to toy with him. Don could handle the pain, he's been trained to do that since the beginning and all of his experiences really did nothing to stop him from perfecting that particular skill firsthand. No, it was the taunts that got to him. The teasing, the sudden unpredictable changes in personality, the possibility that Baker might get impatient and force him into doing something more intimate before anyone had the chance of finding him.

"I could take you right now," he growled. "Bend you over every single piece of furniture in the house until you've completely shattered."

"So now, not going to hold back. I AM going to break you. Destroy every single connection you've ever had to your past life until there's nothing left."

"My pretty little doll...I'll make you regret that statement."

Don couldn't help but shudder at the memories. There had been far too many close calls after Baker finished videotaping. The feel of lips and teeth against his neck, the man's hands roaming his body, the disgusting things he'd whisper in Don's ear before he bit down, of all the things he's going to do to break Don. It took every ounce of his willpower to not throw up right then and there.

" the hell did this all go to shit?" He said to himself, needing the sound of something other than the crushing silence and the hum of electricity. The collar was still pressed too tightly against his windpipe, but he's learnt to get used to it in favor of focusing on more pressing matters.

He tried to move his broken leg, only to shout as soon as intense pain shot up his leg and spread throughout his entire body. "Bad move" he bit out, groaning. That definitely wasn't my wisest moment...he thought to himself.

And then he remembered everything he said when Baker did that recording of them. Nevermind...I don't think I've ever had a wise moment during this entire thing. He had a distinct feeling that everyone was currently screaming at him to shut up, something that he should really start trying to do if he wanted to survive this.

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