Chapter Thirty Eight

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Ian is a cool, calm, collected sniper. Ignoring the fact that his heart is currently feeling like it's running a thousand miles a minute, his hands sweating more than it had ever had in his entire life, and his soul feeling like it's halfway down to the depths of the earth, he was absolutely the perfect picture of zen.

After receiving the call from Billy and almost gaining a speeding ticket the length of his list of kills, he managed to make his way to the woods where he was certain Don was held.

"Guess what? I asked the owner of the hardware store here, he said that a man by Baker's description did stop by a few times," Cooper's voice rang out from the speakerphones, accompanying him as he drove.

"What did he buy?"

"Other than the usual stuff needed to rebuild a house? A bunch of rope, iron bars for windows, and soundproof insulation," Cooper replied.

"A perfect prison," he muttered underneath his breath.

"Not only that, I just got off the phone with David. He said that he went over to check the cameras in Don's apartment, and guess what they saw."

"Baker walked in?" He couldn't help but sound a bit surprised. Considering the intelligence of this man, he was surprised that he would be so bold. Then again, remembering how Baker had basically hand delivered the videotape, maybe he shouldn't be so dismissive of the man's possible stupidity either.

"Walked in and walked out with a bunch of Don's stuff," Cooper spat out, sounding pissed. That got Ian's blood to boil too. Did the man really think that he could force Don into a domestic life with him after everything that happened?

Not a snowball's chance in hell anyone would let that happen, especially Don.

"Do you have the location of the house?"

"Yeah, I'm sending it over to everyone."

"Are we sure this is where they're held?" Ian couldn't help but join in Charlie's worry about them messing up. He guessed that it was contagious, this self doubt. It was a wonder he never caught it earlier considering who his boyfriend was. Don was the epitome of insecurity and self-loathing, he just managed to hide it under courage, bravado, and a whole lot of sarcasm. Well...after those eye opening statements that Baker made, Ian made sure that Don wouldn't hide himself again.

He wouldn't let the man he loved hurt himself again trying to protect others.

"I'm around ninety percent certain," Cooper replied. "Everything we have points to this house. My gut is telling me that this is the place."

Looks like Cooper's instincts weren't the only ones flaring up. Ian, just like Cooper and Don, relied on his instincts just as much as he relied on his skills. He trusted them more than he trusts most of the agents he's worked with. So if both of their instincts lined up, they must be right. He was sure of it.

"Alright, I'll call everyone to let them know where to go," he said, feeling more hopeful than he had ever been in awhile.

"Don't worry Edge." Ian could hear the manic grin in Cooper's voice, "We're gonna give him hell."

"Give him hell indeed," he muttered under his breath as he drove his way down the main roads into the woods. It didn't take long for him to come across even more police cars along with a few familiar black SUVs and a truck. He turned off his car and stepped out, itching to storm the building. Going to his trunk, he opened it up to find his familiar rifle tucked away. He grabbed all the things he needed, strapped the vest on him and walked up to the familiar group of people.

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