Chapter Sixteen

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Billy loved his former partner, he really did. It's just that sometimes, Don makes it really difficult to remember that. This is one of those times.

After driving like a madman for a few hours and risking his FBI career in the process, he managed to make it to the office in one piece. Billy stepped out, clenching his fists in his pockets. He tried to cool off his emotions on the way, but the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. They were supposed to be a team, they were supposed to trust each other. But to find out in the worst way possible that Don is not only being targeted but is the subject of the affections of a demented serial killer and didn't bother to tell them? If Billy was being honest, the serial killer would be the least of his worries once everyone got back.

As soon as he started stalking towards the building, a familiar car drifted into the parking lot, tires screeching like a hawk. Looking around, he saw Ian step out, his face visibly furious. Billy winced, a visibly upset Ian is a dangerous Ian. He almost felt sorry for Don. Key work being almost. When Ian got to him, he let out an annoyed sigh. "Ready to murder a stubborn idiot?"

Billy grinned, "I was born ready".

They both walked into the office, the entire crowd dispersing as they did. They could probably feel the murder that emitted from both men. There were a few minutes of tense silence as they waited for the elevator. But as soon as they got off on Don's floor, Ian shouted "DONALD ALAN EPPES!."

That shriek almost made Billy jump. And judging by the sudden cursing from a familiar voice, that shriek startled him as well. They both instantly went to the war room where the voice came from. When they reached there, a man stepped out. Billy paid the man no mind as they burst open the door. Billy cursed as he saw what was inside. Piles and piles of files and boxes were stacked everywhere. Three boards were used and all of them were filled with pictures and scribbles. But the most concerning of all, Don was seated in the middle surrounded by open files and a notebook in hand. To put it kindly, the man looked like absolute shit.

His hair was disheveled and dusty. His skin was pale and he had eyebags under them. His clothes were dirty, dusty, ripped, burnt, and bloody in a myriad of places. He had bandages peeking out of his shirt collar and left sleeve where the worst of the scorch marks were. Even his pants were ripped and bloody in some spots. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part had to be the large bloodstain that surrounded a ripped hole on his right shoulder, where Billy could see the bandages peeking through. When Don turned to look at them, Billy had to hold back a hiss as he saw the blood running down the other man's head.

"Coop...Ian..." he said nervously, "I can explain..."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ian shouted, looking shocked. The usual calm, collected sniper's face went through all the stages of grief excluding the last one. Don winced, probably realizing how much shit he's in.

"Ow! There's no need to shout" he whined, "I can hear you just fine".

Billy almost snorted at that.

"Oh really? You could've fooled me" Ian replied sarcastically. "What was the one thing I told you not to do, Eppes?"

Don bristled, "I am a grown adult Ian, I don't need you monitoring me like this".

"The ONE thing..." Ian persisted, glaring sharply.

Don tensed for a moment before sighing, probably realizing that fighting Ian would be a losing battle. "You asked me to be careful and keep my head down..." he muttered under his breath.

"And what did you do?"

"Look Ian, I tried to keep my head down alright?! But the damn thing blew up in my face!"

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