Chapter Nineteen

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Don pulled away but the grip on his shirt was too strong. "What the hell are you doing here?" he growled.

"I told you I'll finally have you, right?" he replied, grinning. "This is me taking you back to where you belong".

Don struggled, trying to get the grip to loosen but to no avail, "How many times I have to tell you this? I. Don't. Belong. To. You" he hissed, emphasizing each word.

"Do you really want to say that while I have the lives of your family in my hands?" Baker asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

He placed the gun in his holster and quickly pulled out a remote, one that gave Don a feeling that he knew what it meant. "I rigged this entire house with explosives. If you do something I don't like, I can drag you away from this house and make you watch everything going up in flames". The agent gave him a sweet smile, one that Don wanted to punch off his face severely, "And you don't want that, do you?"

Both of his family let out muffled sounds of protest, tugging aggressively at their bonds while shaking their heads. Most likely trying to discourage him from giving in despite the threat.

Baker released his hold on Don's shirt and instead gently placed his hand under Don's chin, lifting his head up to meet his gaze. Green eyes bore into his, an intense burning look lit behind them. "Would you really risk your family over a possibility?"

Don clenched his fists, itching to punch the man in front of him. But with the remote in hand, could he really do it? Is it worth the risk? Unfortunately, he knew his answer far before it was even asked to him. He let his hands fall as he hung his head in defeat, jaw clenched. "No...I won't."

Charlie screamed from behind his gag. Baker let go of his face and grabbed his gun, aiming it at Charlie as he growled

"Shut up or I'll make you" he threatened.

Don instantly stepped in front of the gun, hands up. "Don't touch them!" he snarled. "I'll do whatever you want okay? Just leave them alone".

Baker cocked his head to the side, his smile turned from sweet to mocking. "Oh...will you?"

Don grit his teeth, hating the situation he managed to land himself in. But he couldn't back down, not when his family is in danger. Squaring his shoulders, he looked up and glared. "Yes".

Baker looked at him, the man's calculating gaze seemingly wriggling itself underneath his skin. Don didn't falter though. He couldn't. He promised to himself he would protect his family and by God he would do it. Even if it ended up being the last thing he did.

Baker calmly put the detonator on the table next to him and stood in front, blocking Don from trying to grab it. Then he leaned slightly on the table, a slow smile making its way through his face.

"On your knees" the man ordered after a few seconds of silence.

Don stepped back, surprised. "What?"

"You said you would do anything I want, right?" Baker taunted, "Well, I want you on your knees".

Don grit his teeth. He knew that position could mean a lot of things and he knew it would put him at a disadvantage. But looking at the remote that was behind Baker, Don knew he didn't have much of a choice. Clenching his fists, he slowly lowered himself on the floor, feeling the solid wooden floor beneath his legs. Don glared at the floor, pissed at himself for putting everyone in this situation. I should've gone on vacation, he lamented. Las Vegas would've been a nice place, plus I don't think Mr. Deline would mind me too much if I hung around his casino. Suddenly he felt a hand grab the collar of his shirt again and pulled it up, causing his head to snap upwards.

"Eyes on me sweetheart" Baker growled possessively, "I don't want you to be thinking of other men but me".

"Fuck off" he snarled. He might agree to do whatever the bastard wanted, but he didn't say he had to like it.

"So feisty..." Baker grinned, then he leaned closer until their lips almost brushed, "I'm going to enjoy my time with you, my pretty little doll" he whispered.

His father let out a loud noise of protest. Looking at them, Don could see both fear and disgust on both of their faces. Don couldn't blame them. This entire thing seemed like it was ripped right out of his worst nightmares.

"Oh don't worry Sir" Baker said kindly after he stood straighter, his grip still tight on Don's shirt, "I'll take good care of your son."

Charlie shook his head, his face angry. While his voice was muffled, Don could tell that his brother's words wouldn't have been complimentary.

Baker scoffed, "None of those people can keep my Angel safe. What makes you think they're the right fit for him?". Then he shook his head, "No one is good enough for him but me". Then he looked down and gently ran a hand down the side of his cheek, "Isn't that right sweetheart?"

"I almost died because of you!"

"Only because you didn't know what was good for you!" Baker snapped, "If you just sat still and took what I gave you, none of this would happen!". Then he placed the gun down next to him as he got down on his knees as well, releasing his grip from Don's shirt to instead grab him by the arms, shaking him. Don gasped as the pain shot up from his shoulder wound, his vision almost turning white. "Can't you see? I did it all for you!" he declared, his tone filled with both love and adoration. The crazed and smitten glint in his eyes that Don had seen glimpses of earlier were now at full display. Even for an experienced agent like him, that look would've sent him running if it weren't for the death grip the man had on him. Baker stared at him for a moment, as if relishing the fact that Don was in his grasp. The wide-eyed obsessed look getting more intense by the second. "I love you" the man breathed, looking at Don like he was the only person in the world.

Don froze, horrified. His heart stopping so abruptly he thought he was about to keel over right then and there. Would've been one hell of an escape though. He always knew how the killer felt about him, but to hear that declaration straight from the man himself without a mask, letters, or poetic nonsense? It scared him.

Baker leaned closer, putting their foreheads together. "And I know that you don't feel the same way now, especially after everything. But that's okay. Because I'm confident that eventually, you will learn to love me as much as I love you. You will finally realize that in the end, I'm the only one for you".

Don scoffed, pulling his head away as far as humanly possible, "You've said it yourself, I'm stubborn. What makes you think you can change my mind?"

Baker grinned, "Oh, don't worry about that; I have plenty of ideas". The man then released the hold on his uninjured shoulder and cupped the side of his face, his touch gentle. "You might be stubborn, but not even you can resist me forever. I'll just have to wear you down slowly but surely until you finally understand. After we're officially together, it's only a matter of time. After all, once you're with me, I have all the time in the world to make you mine."

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