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"Mom are you sure dad isn't gonna be mad at me?" I ask as I set the table for dinner.

"Well he'll probably be more mad at me because I don't tell him." She said shaking her head. "But hopefully he won't say anything too out of pocket.." She said.

"If he accepts my apology and Devin's apology do you think he'll ever be okay with us dating?" I ask my mom.

"I don't know. I can't speak for your dad-"

"You know your husband though." I said side eyeing her.

She chuckled and nodded her head. "It's a fifty fifty chance. He either will or he won't." She said.

We finished our conversation while getting the stuff ready for dinner. About twenty minutes later my dad came in the house and I was a the dinner  table, awkward and nervous.

There are two ways this dinner can go. My dad can either get disrespectful and Devin gets disrespectful back or we can be one big happy family. It's really up to them. My dad doesn't like Devin and I get it, he's being protective over me. But, Devin is not one to back down to authority or people who disrespect him in general.

"Hey baby." My dad said kissing my mom on the lips.

"Hey." She said responding with a kiss.

I swallowed my saliva before walking out of the kitchen. I heard him and my mom talking about something but I couldn't makeout their words. My phone vibrated in my pocket adn I took it out.

I'm outside

I smiled at Devin's text and made my way to the door. I went outside and saw him in the driveway.

"Hey babe." I said as Devin got of his car.

"Hey," He said pecking my lips. "You look good." He said grabbing my hips.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. We shared a passionate kiss for about a minute before I detached my lips from his.

"I have to tell you something." I said looking around.

"What?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Um my mom told me to invite you but my dad, he doesn't know you're here." I nervously confess.

"Are you serious Day?" He asked walking back. "I'm not doing this." He said trying to walk back to his car.

"Babe come on, I promise you it won't be bad." I said grabbing his hand.

"Your dad doesn't like me. It is what it is. I'm not finna force nobody to like me." Devin said becoming frustrated.

I grabbed his face and looked into his eyes.

"It's not like that. My dad just needs to warm up to you as my boyfriend— well whatever you are to me." I said rolling my eyes.

It would make my life a lot easier if Devin would just ask me to be his girlfriend so that we can put a stamp on our relationship. That way my parents would take us a little more seriously. Right now we just look like horny teenagers and that's not the case at all. We really do like each other. I'm actually falling in love with him the more I spend time with him.

"Just do this for me? Don't you wanna be able to date me freely without my mom or dad having slick shit to say?" I ask crossing my arms.

Devin sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah I guess you're right." He said making me smile. "I guess I am hungry." He mumbled.

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