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"I knew you weren't gonna be able to stay away."

"I'm so used to sleeping next to you. I couldn't go to sleep." Vina said as I rubbed her head.

It was going on midnight when she came back over here. I don't know if her parents know or not. It's not really my business. Vina and I's little argument doesn't make me feel any different. She has a right to be curious.

Diamond and I hung out a few times but that's all. We have mutual friends and share two classes. But other than that I have never hung out with her or done anything with her. She's too thirsty.

"What did my dad say to you?" Vina randomly asked. "When he came out behind me?" She continued.

"Oh he asked if we were fucking and then gave me condoms." I told her.

"So you told him?"

"No I didn't. He assumed." I said shrugging.

Vina sat up and looked up the ceiling.

"That's so embarrassing." She said.

"Why are you embarrassed? Sex is normal.." I said putting my hand on her stomach. She grabbed my hand and moved it.

"It's not that- I just don't want to regret doing this." She said shaking her head.

I sigh and rub my hands over face as a heavy wave of exhaustion hit me. It's way too late to be arguing.

"We can either fuck or go to sleep but I'm not about sit up and talk about this right now." I tell Vina making her raise her eyebrows.

"Oh so my feelings so matter?" She asked becoming annoying to me.

"I never said that. I'm just tired Day. I went to work and I came to you not being here. Now you wanna fuss." I said shaking my head.

"I'm not fussing." She pouted putting her feet on me.

She rotated her body and crawled on top of me. She leaned down and kissed my lips.

"I have a doctors appointment this weekend, I'm gonna get on birth control." She said sitting up with her hands on my chest.

"So we don't have to use condoms?" I ask rubbing her back.

She smiled and nodded her head. "Well let's be careful for the first few weeks and then we can go all in." She agreed.

We started kissing again, when I heard loud banging on my front door.

"Who is that?" Vina asked as she moved off my lap.

"I don't know, stay right here." I instructed her.

She nodded her head and hesitantly stayed in the room as I left out. I went downstairs to the even louder knocks.

"Hold on I'm coming!" I said going to the door.

I opened it and saw a small group of masked up people standing in my doorway. The leader upped his gun and pushed his way inside my place.

"Aye man what the fuck!"

"Where's the money?" The guy asked.

"Man I ain't got no money!"

"Where's the fucking money?" The man asked louder than before.

I stood there lost and quiet as his crew ransacked my kitchen and living room. They flipped everything looking for anything that was of value. They were so loud they'd caused Vina to come out the room, I heard the door open. Immediately, I got scared not for me but for her.

"Bae what's going on-"

"Vina go upstairs!" I try to instruct her before the guy hit me across the head with his gun.

"Oh my god Devin- Let me go!" She yelled as she was grabbed by two of the guys.

I tried to get up and go help her but I was pushed back down. The other guy and the leader started punching me and kicking me in the stomach. I guess they were too pussy to pull the trigger to the guns they had.

"No stop! Get off of me!" Vina's screams became uncontrollably loud and high pitched.

She wasn't just screaming, she was crying for help. I was stuck on the ground I couldn't even see what they were doing to her, but I had an idea.



"Huh? Oh sorry my bad." I said shaking my head. "What did you say?" I ask the female police officer.

"Did you see what the two men who assaulted you-"

"No they had on masks as well." I tell her. "Is Devin okay?" I ask looking around.

"He's on his way to the hospital. They're ready to take you as well." She said as I sat on the stairs of Devin's apartment building.

The whole world got quiet when everything happened. I thought I was dreaming. All I remember is a guy punching and kicking Devin; then I was on the ground. They were on top of. Doing stuff to me. I felt disgusted, I felt helpless.

Devin wanted to help me so bad but he couldn't. By time the guys where done and had left out he was left on the floor spitting up blood. The leader was mad at the two guys who'd raped me. He said it wasn't supposed to go that far. Whatever that means.

"Already honey let's get you to the hospital." One of the EMTs said as they helped me up.

"I need to call my mom. I don't have my phone." I tell the paramedic.

"We'll have one of the officers bring it to the hospital but we have to get you checked out." She said leading me to the ambulance truck.

The lights were bright enough to make me close my eyes. I started feeling nauseous. The paramedic must've notice because she helped me onto the stretcher before I could fall over.

"How do you feel Da'Vina?" She asked me.

"Nauseas and light headed." I say holding onto my stomach.

"Okay I'm gonna give you some fluids while we go to the hospital you should be feeling better soon." She said before sticking my right arm with a needle.

I laid back and tried to relax, replaying the painful events that had just occurred.

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