8- bully

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I wake up by the sound of chirping birds. I stay laying in my bed for a few minutes, staring at the cracks in my ceiling. I remember I used to think when I was younger that the cracks made a figure, and it would come flying to me and take me far, far away from here. I've lost all hope on a happy ending in this house. There was always a part deep inside of me which knew I would die in this house. It doesn't matter if it's my own work or my parents', I would die in this house I describe as my own personal hell. There was no other way out of here except dying. I always knew it deep down.

I get up and feel the pain in my ribs and leg.

I brush my teeth and feel the pain in my ribs and leg.

I take a cold shower and feel, once again, the pain in my ribs and leg.

I walk to the small cracked mirror in my room and look at my reflection. The eyebags under my eyes are dark and big. The scar on my cheek is still visible and looks infected. My eyes lost it's sparkle a long time ago and now look empty and dull. I always knew I wasn't pretty, and it obviously didn't help hearing that exact thought day in, day out.

I apply some concealer I once bought in a conveniece store and try my best to cover up the scar as good as I can. It is still a bit visible if you look close to my face but I pray no one would do that.

I take some painkillers and dry swallow them. I could use water but I'm already used to swallow them without it.

I put on a black worn-out crew neck and some simple jeans. I stuff the remaining money from yesterday between the other clothes and pick up my backpack from the ground. I put my ear against the door to hear if anyone is awake but it is still quiet. I limp downstairs, cursing my leg for not even being able to carry myself, and arrive downstairs. I look to the couch and see my dad and his friends laying on the couch knocked out. The liquor bottle is empty and there are laying many crushed beer cans on the ground. I hear
the men snore and I know they won't wake up for the next few hours. I walk out the door and don't look back.

After my 30 minute walk, which felt like ages, I finally arrive at school. I walk in a straight line to the library and
sit down with a gruff. My ribs are sore and my leg hurts, but atleast I can sit down now. I put my head on my arms and close my eyes. Just before I fall asleep I remind myself I have to wake up in time for class.

I wake up and blink a few times before I fully open my eyes. I look around and see I'm the only one left in the library. I slowly stand up and search for a clock so I can read the time off of it. I see a clock hanging above the exit.


Shit, I missed almost all of my classes and school ends in 10 minutes. I decide to just stay in the library since there's no way I'm going to class for only 10 minutes. I pick out a romance book: pride and prejudice, and turn to the first page.

When school finally ends I'm at page 15 in my book and I make a mental note to start reading there the next time I'm in the library. I put the book away and slowly stand up. I hear my stomach grumble because I still didn't eat for one and a half day; I got a bowl of soup when I fainted the other day from the school nurse.

I start limping out of the library, and out of the school, when I see Britney and her friends standing outside of school. They look around like they're waiting on someone. I want to turn around and head back, but I know I have to go home, otherwise I'll be late and my parents won't like that. I walk out of school, my head low and I try to ignore their stares. Just when I think they didn't notice me, I hear someone calling my name. I walk straight forward, knowing they won't leave me alone, but hey, I can try atleast right?

I feel a push and I land on the ground, face first. There are puddles laying everwhere and i feel the cold water ooze trough my, once dry, clothes. I gather my stuff and try to stand up, but one of Britney's friends holds my arms behind my back so I can't escape. They all start laughing at the position I'm in and I just look down. I feel my face getting red from embarrassment and I taste a salty tear on my tongue. I want to wipe it away but someone's still holding both of my hands.

"Heard you 'fainted' yesterday. Why? Did you not have enough attention already? You're such an attention whore!" She spits in my face and everyone around me gasps. There is now standing a much bigger group around me, some people I don't even know. Next thing I know Is her pulling my backpack off my back. She holds it upside down, making all my stuff fall out. The only thing I can do is stare at what she's doing, trying not to cry, while all my papers and books get wet by the water in the puddles. After she's satisfied by the results she throws the backpack at my face. I can't dodge it, since my hands are still wrapped behind my back, and feel the metallic zipper hit my lip, leaving a tiny sting. I immediately feel the familiar metallic taste form in my mouth and know my lip Is bleeding.

I feel the person behind me let loose of my hands and walk away. I watch Britney and her friends walk away, making sure they step on my things to make them even more dirtier. I watch as all the random people around me slowly seperate and leave, not caring to help me or even look back at me.

I start picking up my drenched papers and my dirty books and throw them in my backpack. No one helps me and no one cares. There are only a few people standing around me at this moment, just watching what I'm doing. I know not all people in this school are that bad. I know for a fact some people might even want to help me, but they're just afraid they'll be Britney's next target. I get why they are. I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy getting bullied by Britney.

After I'm done with picking everything up and throwing it in my backpack I stand up and get ready for my walk home. I look around and only see a girl standing close to me with a look of guilt and sympathy on her face. I know she wanted to help me but she was too afraid. I'm actually glad she didn't help me because I couldn't bare to see anyone else getting bullied by Britney because of me. I give her a little sad smile and walk away from this horrible school, the only thought in my head being I now have to go to the much more horrible house.


New chapter ✔️

I actually didn't plan on writing this chapter since I'm still sick but I had to give the people what they want obviously.

I LITERALLY HATE BRITNEY WITH MY WHOLE HEART. Like I know I made her up but my blood starts boiling everytime I have to write abt her.

What do we think abt the girl at the end? Will she be Zina's new friend?

Also the reunion will be very soon so bare w me.

Don't forget to vote, comment and check out my other book!

Love, Stella xx

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