87- Livia

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I feel giddy like it's my first day at this school all over again

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I feel giddy like it's my first day at this school all over again. I mean, it technically is according to the time I've been away.

It took me a whole day of constant pleading and begging for Eleandro to finally give in and let me go. He made Lucas promise him to look after me, and interfere or help me with anything I would possibly need help for. That was something I was less pleased with, but it couldn't take away the excitement I felt at finally getting out of the prison I was in for 2 weeks.

I know I'll have to tell my friends something today, but I'm still not sure on in how far I will go with telling them the truth. I know they would never pressure me in telling something I'm not ready to tell yet, but I want to trust them enough to give them a look into my past. They've deserved it for patiently waiting a total of 2 weeks for me to go back to school, and not hate me for it. I've never known friendship could feel this pleasant.

So I now wait for Lucas to help me out of the car, my hands sweaty and my head pounding from the pressure and stress I've been feeling from the moment I knew I could go back.

The car door opens, and I immediately shuffle over to the exit, trying to get out on myself once more.

"Zina." Lucas scolds me as he looks at me after my futile attempt at getting out of the car.

"Lucas." I retort, and I see him rolling his eyes at me. I might be a little stubborn, but I've waited 2 weeks for this moment so I feel like I'm allowed to be at this moment.

He sighs heavily, and looks over me again.

"I'll get the wheelchair right now." He tells me with a serious expression on his face.

My face pales slightly and I put my arms over eachother in protest.

"Just get me out."

Lucas chuckles much to my dislike, and picks me up like I'm as light as a feather, which is highly unlikely since I've been putting on a lot of pounds in the time I've been living with my brothers.

When he gets my crutches out of the trunk and has put me down so I can start hobbling towards the school, I decide to ask him something I've been eager to ask about.

"Why didn't Nico come with us?"

He shrugs his shoulder before saying, "Figured you didn't want much spectators when I had to carry you out."

He's right, but it's not fair for Nico to not be able to have a ride to school just because I'm now coming along.

"Tell him he's welcome to come please, he seems like a good friend." I reassure him, but unlike the effect I thought It'd have on Lucas, it seems like his head slumps down a bit.

"Yeah, he is a good friend." He mumbles, too lost in thought for me to ask any other questions.

I don't need to, because as we enter the school, a group of four very excited people come storming me, backing away only a little when they see the crutches I'm walking with.

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