82- destroyed

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At first, I couldn't manage functioning

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At first, I couldn't manage functioning. It felt like my body left itself on this white mattress in this white room, and only my soul was still present.

But when I hear that voice, it felt like I could scream out my happiness from the rooftops.

He's still alive. I reassured myself over and over until I believed it.

And when I did, only then I dared taking a look around the room.

I see all of my brothers faces displayed in front of me, a worried expression placed on their faces.

I almost laugh when seeing those reactions. They are clearly being overdramatic.

I'm alive, am I not?

Those positive thoughts soon dissappear as I feel a piercing pain in my left leg. It feels like it's laying on a bed full of nails, and I can't do anything about it as my leg won't move.

At seeing my panicked expression, Luca comes closer to my bed. I assume he tried talking to me before, but I was too much caught up in my own world to notice.

"Zina, it's fine, it's fine." He said, constantly nearing and nearing towards me, ignoring the priming gazes of my brothers on his back.

I looked around myself in panick, as I felt my leg being ripped open in shreds, detaching itself from my laying body.

What the hell happened?

Where am I? In the hospital again? What happened?

I only remember trying to escape with Luca, but I was fine?! But was I?

I killed Miguel.

The realization slams into me with such a hard force, I almost flinch only at the thought. I killed a living man, and didn't even immediately regret it. Even worse, I enjoyed doing it. I enjoyed killing that man.

This must make me a monster.

I'm a monster, and I'm cruel, and I don't deserve living on this earth any longer after taking a living and breathing man's life. Luca saw it happen. I know he didn't dare say something at the moment, but he must think this about me too. He must be disgusted by me. He must think me incapable of being normal. He must think me abnormal in the worst way possible.

I discard my eyes from the boy in front of me when I realize I've zoned out on him, and take another look around the room.

Eleandro is the only one missing. The rest of my brothers are all looking at me with concern in their eyes.

They shouldn't be concerned about me. I'm still alive. They should be concerned about the man I basically slaughtered.

Suddenly I see a pair of hands waving in front of my eyes, and I'm able to snap myself out of my thoughts for a second.

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