92- rapport card

75 9 0

I stare at the white envelope in my hands, the simple paper that will decide my whole future

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I stare at the white envelope in my hands, the simple paper that will decide my whole future.

The other students have gotten their rapport cards last week, but since I wasn't present, I received it today.

I take in a shaking breath, and think back about everything that could happen after I open this.

I could have failed. Even though I really tried my best, it's not certain I passed. I know my brothers will act like they aren't disappointed in me for my sake, but they will not be happy if I fail. I won't be either.

I think back about yesterday and almost smile against all my nerves in.

Me and Luca fell asleep half throughout the movie, and only woke up an half our before the hour I was supposed to be home. We both rushed to my home, scared of leaving a bad first impression if we arrived later than Luca had told them, but they were actually really relaxed by our tardiness. Especially when they saw the car we drove onto their property, and they had already forgotten about our delay when Luca told them it was mine.

None of them showed it, but I am 100 percent sure they all were jealous as fuck, as they were basically gawking at the varnish and the with leather covered interior. Lucas asked me to take a ride with it, and as I couldn't drive myself, I accepted and we drove to a nearby Chipotle, Lucas making sure to rub it into my face when he got an extra large scoop of meat. I didn't get anything, claiming to have eaten with Luca on our way back. We didn't, but I wasn't about to eat even more than I already had. Lucas didn't even take a second glance at me before he attacked his messy burrito.

My hands shaking, I slowly start to pull the thin piece of paper attached to the envelope, and peel it loose from the glue.

Miss García handed me the envelope and told me I could go to somewhere more quiet like the library or the cafeteria. I choose the library, and now am sitting in one of the old wooden chairs, all in the back of the like books smelling space.

It's going to be fine. I keep reminding myself over and over, as I take slow breaths in and out while closing my eyes.

I only need to turn around this piece of paper and I'll know if my future is either ruined or made. The future I worked so hard for, to be able to do something with my life after everyone around me walks away like always has happened. I can't depend on anyone or anything except myself.

I open my eyes hesitantly and turn around the paper in a swift move.

My eyes scan around the paper, and I almost loose a relieved breath as I don't see any F's. My eyes wander around the paper once more, and I slump back in delight when I realize I haven't gotten anything under a C. I succeeded at the only thing I worked this hard for.

I take my phone out of my pocket, making sure to cover it under the table as phones aren't allowed in the library, and I scroll towards the messages app before clicking on the name 'Luca 💗'. The name I've had him saved as from the moment I received a phone.

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