91- The Notebook

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Driving up to Luca's driveway with a trophy and a smack of money in hand, couldn't make me feel any other emotion than happiness

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Driving up to Luca's driveway with a trophy and a smack of money in hand, couldn't make me feel any other emotion than happiness.

The whole ride to Luca's house, I silently watched him drive, trying to be as subtle as possible, and making sure to look outside anytime he even did as much as glance at me.

I suspect he caught me though, as I would see his eyes light up in amusement from time to time when I would look away after totally shamelessly gawking at him.

But be so for real, how could I not?

The things that caught my attention the most, were his veins in his arm and hand bulging everytime he did as much as move or shift, and the way he kept readjusting the place he was sitting in. How did he expect me to focus, when anytime I wasn't gazing at him, I would see him shift out of the corner of my eye and draw my attention to him.

However, the moment we ride on the driveway of Luca's house, I seem to be perfectly able to focus on the giant house in front of me. His house in Texas was big, sure, but this house? This one made the one he owns in Texas look rather small.

Entering through a massive all black gate, I give my eyes permission to wander over all of the fabulous designs added to the house.

The whole house is painted in a light beige color, giving it a southern vibe, and trough the window shines a faint yellowish light, making the establishment seem all the more welcoming. Two palms are aligned at the entrance – either fake or real, I can't tell– and they stand out in the dim atmosphere around the house. I'm sure if it were to be daytime, the house would shine a bright golden color.

Still admiring the house, I don't notice when Luca holds open my car door for me to make a move at getting out.

"Your house is beautiful!" I say honestly, and I see another portion of amusement appear in Luca's eyes.

"Thank you, hermosa." He answers me and I just nod, a slight blush coating my cheeks, before shuffling towards the exit of the car.

He steps around to get my crutches out of the compartment in the back, and when he returns with them, he crouches down in front of me with his back towards me.

I frown my eyebrows in confusion at this, and he looks behind with a smile on his face.

"Get on my back, Zina." He demands, and I nod in understanding, hopping a little so I can clench myself to him.

Once my legs are wrapped around his back, and my arms around his neck, he starts walking towards the door where one singular bodyguard is standing.

The bodyguard gives Luca a nod, not taken aback at all with seeing a random girl on his back, and Luca stops in front of the guard.

"Buenas noches Pedro, ella es Zina y siempre podrá entrar a la casa. ¿Entendido?" Luca speaks to Pedro in his mother language, his accent almost making me swoon.
(Good evening Pedro, this is Zina and she will always be allowed to enter the house. Understood?)

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