15- brothers

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Me and Adrian quickly spin around. I see 3 men with the same grey eyes as me and Adrian staring at us both. They are from various ages.

I see two men who look about the same age as me. They look younger than Adrian. One of the two is looking at me with excitement and curiosity visible in his eyes, while the other is rather glaring at me with suspicion and disgust portraited on his face. They look like the opposites of eachother. I smile at the excited boy and don't spare the rude boy even a glance. He looks a bit taken back by this but quickly masks it.

I also suspect a taller more manly and smart looking man standing next to both of them. He looks at me like I'm a little kid, which makes me think he's the oldest of the three. He just stares at me and I see his gaze trace my face, from my eyes to my nose to my mouth to my neck. His eyes stop moving when he can see the vague blur of a tattoo and his eyes change from empty, to relieved and happy in seconds.

I smile slightly at him and he gives me the same smile back, the same dimples as mine present.

Holy shit, we really look a lot alike.

The rude boy clears his throat and I look back at my feet, dressed in worn-out tennis shoes, which look pathetic next to the bright marble floor I'm standing on. It must cost a lot to have a house like this. I never even saw houses like this where I lived. The biggest and nicest house there was, was probably Luca's house and it wasn't even half the size of this house. And the house where I lived in looks like a basement next to this house.

I still can't really believe everything Adrian said is true. It just feels too good to be true. I mean, I was already more than happy with all the money I could possibly get, let alone 100 fucking thousand dollars. But then to find out I have a brother who's rich? And not only 1 brother either, no I got stuck with 5 brothers whom I had no idea of existed. Where I once had just 2 parents, whom I could barely call parents, to 5 brothers. I received a whole new family in just one day. It looks like the Gods finally heard my prayers and decided to give me what I want. A real family. I mean, I still don't know if I will like my other brothers, and I'm definitely not so sure about the rude one, but atleast I've liked Adrian so far so that's a positive point.

I feel a presence beside me and look up to see Adrian who came standing next to me.

"Since everyone Is quiet all of a sudden, I suppose I will do the introductions." I'm thankful for Adrian who's coming in between the awkward silence we all share.

"Okay, so as you all know, this Is Zina." He points at me and I see the other boys roll their eyes. Adrian really deserves some more sympathy. At least he tries to fix the silence between us.

"Okay, okay maybe that's a bit stupid, you all obviously know who she is." He thinks for a moment with who's he going to start introducing.

"Okay let's do the complicated case first. Those two." He points at the two younger boys who are eachothers opposites. "Are Diego and Lucas. Diego is the one who is glaring at you, don't mind him he's just sassy, and he's 19, so 2 years older than you are." Diego doesn't show any sign or gesture to welcome me but just keeps glaring. "Lucas is the sunshine who's smiling and almost jumping around the house this early in the fucking morning." Adrian swears.

"Language!" I hear the oldest boy yell at him.

"Yeah, yeah." Adrian shrugs.

"Okay where was I? Oh yeah, so the happy boy there is called Lucas and he's 18 years old. Only one year difference with you."

The boy smiles and waves at me. I wave back and smile. This seems to ease him because it looks like his nervousness dissappears from his body.

"Let's start with the difficult part now. You have to listen good to me, okay?" He stays quiet to add to the dramatic effect. After a while he finally reveals the surprise. "Diego and Lucas are twins."
I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion.
Aren't twins supposes to be the same age? And their personalities look nothing alike?

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