26- drop-out

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After I spended the last 2 hours online shopping with the money I just won from Lucas, I close the laptop Javi dropped of in my room for me to use, and lay back. I bought a new book that looked really promising, and costed only 7$, and I also bought a pair of really soft looking slippers, to wear around the house for 12$. I know well enough, If I would even just ask one of my brothers they would immediately buy it from me, but I already feel bad enough for spending so much money on things I actually need.

My package will arrive in less than 3 days the website said, and I'm already looking forward to it.

"Zina, dinner's ready!" I hear Adrian yelling from downstairs. I didn't notice it was already 8pm. Which, I know, is really late to eat, but it's how my brothers like it I assume.

I skip downstairs, praying for Eleandro to finally be present at the table, even though I'm a bit scared of him.

When I come downstairs and open the door to the kitchen, I almost bump into someone. I look above me to the person towering over me and realise I just bumped into Eleandro.

"Come Zina take a seat. We were just about to eat." He says in his demanding voice. I just nod, not wanting to say something to him yet.

I take a seat at my usual seat, next to Lucas, and thank the maids for the food. They really deserve a bit more credit in my opinion.

I put some pasta with bolognese sauce on, on my plate, and stare at my brothers all putting triple my portion on their plates. I don't know how they do it, but I'm not judging. This food is really good.

I start eating, when my brothers do the same, and taste the delicious sauce on my taste buds. From now on I think spaghetti is my favorite food.

When I'm done eating– even though I would want to eat more but I'm just too full– I sit back in my chair as I watch my brothers finish their food.

Suddenly Adrian asks me, still chewing his food so I can see everything in his mouth: "Don't you want to eat a little more Zina?"

"No thanks, I'm good." I answer him truthfully.

He just nods and continues eating.

When he and all my other brothers are ready, I already noticed that this is the time of the day when they really have conversations with eachother, and the maids have cleared the table, Eleandro turns to talk to me.

"So Zina, did you enjoy the shopping you did with your brothers? Were they not too childish and annoying?" I hear a lot of protest coming from the side my other brothers sit at, but decide wisely to ignore it.

"Yes I did. And no they weren't that annoying." I hear a lot of protest again.

"Good. I would like you to spend a lot of time with all of us Zina. We have a lot of years to catch up on." When he says this the whole table goes quiet, and I see multiple sad expression appearing on my brothers faces.

"Yes, of course." I answer hesitantly.

However I really, really like my brothers, I would also like to still continue to go to school again. I don't want to give up on school, even though I know I won't have to worry about the money I would need for basically everything, looking at how much my brothers will be able to spend on me, even if I don't ask for it.

I stay quiet for a moment and everyone stares at me until I open my mouth hesitantly again.

"I just wanted to ask.. Will I be able to go to school again?" I ask a bit scared of their reactions.

"You want to go to school? Voluntary?"
Diego asks, with a disgusted look on his face. I almost forgot he also lived in this house.

"Don't be offended sis, Diego just didn't like school very much." Adrian explains.

"Didn't?" I ask confused as why he's speaking in the past. He's 18 years old right?

"Yes, he dropped out of school when he started an armed fight with this stupid cunt in his school." Lucas says to me.

"Language!" I hear Javi yell.

I think about what Lucas told me. It's really something for Diego to drop out of school for starting an armed fight. I wonder what weapon he used.

"You can start school if you really want hermana. Just be sure to always stay close to Lucas and let us meet the friends you make." Eleandro tells me.

I think those rules are weird, but I don't say anything, just happy that I'm allowed to go to school.

"You can start next week if you'd like." Eleandro adds adding to my excitement.

"Can I just start in the middle of the year?" I ask him, wondering how that's possible.

"Yes you can. Our family has connections to the school, and we have made an arrangement for things like these."

I don't hesitate when I say:

"Okay. Do I need a uniform or anything?"

"No, a uniform isn't necessary. But you can shop online for a backpack or any utensils you need. I will give you my credit card code." He says. I'm already so excited.

"Could I leave the table? I would like to already start shopping for school." I'm going to have so much fun buying things online.

"Yes you can. If you picked out everything, notify me so I can buy it for you."

"Okay thanks Eleandro!" I jump up from my chair excited, and give him in my excitement a big hug. I hear the other boys gniffle beside me, but decide to ignore it.

When I skip upstairs, happier than ever, I suddenly feel a sharp painful sting in my left lung. I almost scream out in pain, but remember to contain my pain, in fear of having my brothers find out. 

I slender really slowly upstairs, and close my door and lock it.

I feel a sudden feeling of bile rising up in my throat, and run to the toilet to empty my stomach. I wipe my mouth, and want to flush the toilet with the continents of my stomach in it, but see a weird color just in time.

There's no puke in the toilet, but a bright red color of blood is staring back right at me.

I'm so incredibly sorry for not updating for so long! I've just been really busy with exams and they're not even started yet. I hope you can forgive me!


don't forget to vote, comment and check out my other book! Also follow me if you want me to keep you updated!

Love, Stella xx

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