Vol. 2.5-9: Shark-rider Class

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I pulled my cigarette from my lips, blowing the grey smoke into the grey abyss of the morning. The water looked black on either side of the dock as I walked to the end of it. I was disguising myself as an older guy taking a smoke break from work, as seen by my nicer suit and neatly cropped blond hair.

I found Nereus. I insisted to go so Annabeth wouldn't have to smell him, and luckily, since I'm dead, smells don't affect me the way they affect people. But...

Holy. Fuck. This guy stinks.

He looked like I remembered- Santa Claus, if Santa Claus had been fished out of the ocean and kept in a container with rotting fish and seaweed for nine weeks. I remembered Percy jumping him, and how this guy Nereus shapeshifts. Now, Percy is a son of Poseidon, so he had an advantage in the water. But, I have my own tips and tricks- I can shapeshift, too, and I can't drown, either.

I sat somewhat close to Rotting Santa and continued smoking my cigarette. "Nice morning, huh?" I questioned, not looking at Santa.

He grunted. He wouldn't suspect me as a demigod, since I have no scent or anything like that. "Nice morning. Yeah, sure."

"Y'don't like fog?" I asked. I hate disguising myself as a man. Sounding like a man sucks total ass, y'know. In fact, men in general just suck.

"Just too damn chilly." The Abominable Snowman shivered for good show, his white hair covering most of his face.

I pulled another cigarette out. "Y'want one?"

He turned to me and shrugged. "Eh, sure." He took it, placing it between his lips.

Unlike Percy, I wasn't just going to attack a sleeping man.

I pulled my lighter out and just as he leaned over, trying to light his cigarette, I tackled him.

"YEAH!" Annabeth screamed from further down the dock.

"What are you doing?!" Santa screamed as I tackled him to the rotting dock.

I turned back into my normal form and his eyes widened in recognition. "I needa a chat with you, Mr. Claus!"

"RRRRAAAAAARRRR!" He tried to get his hands around my neck to strangle me, but I pulled my cigarette out of my mouth and burned it on his hand. He screamed in pain, but he was immortal, so he'd get over it pretty quickly (I don't recommend the smell of burning ichor, by the way). He was thrashing, and trying to wiggle me closer and closer to the edge of the dock, liking thinking he had the advantage.

Suddenly, he turned into a water moccasin. He bit my hand, but it didn't do anything. I just turned into a water moccasin, too. He hissed defiantly before turning into a wolf, trying to catch me and likely bite me in half, but I just turned into a slightly larger snake- a boa, of some sort, but I was in such a frenzy, I didn't have time to think- and coiled myself around him, cutting off his airflow.

I thought I had him, since I figured his ribs were three seconds from cracking, but then he turned into a tuna fish and slipped into the ocean, leaving me no choice but to chase him.

νεκρός || Annabeth Chase x Fem!OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat