Vol. 3-30: Hi! I'm a slut ;3

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To say I was mad for a long time was one thing, but Percy really cheered me up. I'm not a sappy, sweet individual, especially with boys, but I couldn't hide how happy it made me to hear that I'm not number two- for him, at least- and to know that he wasn't lying to me.

After he fell asleep, I got up, situating him gently on the floor. He didn't even flinch, he was so exhausted. I made sure he was close to the fire so he'd be warm but not burnt, and decided to steal away and find Annabeth, but I wasn't sure what for.

She found me first, though. I'd barely searched through the room before she came around a pillar and nearly bumped into me.

I stared at her. She'd been crying a lot. "Hi."

She didn't really hold any emotion in her face. "Hi."

What the hell was I supposed to say to her? Sorry for trying to kill the traitor that fucked up your life and, if I may jog your memory, is a fucking predator? I'm not sorry for that. I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough to stomp his face in. It's too bad I've only got his blood on my shoe. I would've liked to have his brains on there, too. Sorry for not being there when you cried? You're the reason my plan didn't work out and I couldn't eliminate our problems.

She suddenly looked down. "I'm sorry, Tempest."

"Okay." I wasn't going to say it back. I didn't have anything to be sorry about.

She blinked rapidly, likely fighting tears. "I- I don't know what I was thinking."

I don't, either, but I didn't tell her that.

"I heard you talking to Percy," she whispered.

"Okay." So what if she heard? It's nothing I wouldn't have said to her face. I'm her number two. I think Luke is disgusting. And I reaaaallllllyyy want to slit his throat. I think I've said everything to her before except the number two part. I always knew I was her number two, of course, I just never told anyone I knew that.

"You're not number two."

I leaned against a pillar. "Really? I don't think you would try to protect your number two and completely endanger your number one, then." Whether or not I would've actually died, the point still stands; she did not choose me. That's it. Whether or not she thinks she might love me, she loves him more.

She shook slightly. "I- I can't..." She wiped her face rapidly. "I just... I don't know what to think anymore."

"Oh, then I can clear it up for you." Shit, you're letting the anger out. "Let's see... I tried to kill Luke and fix our problems, so naturally, you threw a rock at my hand and made me lose my dagger. Then, a swarm of monsters came at me. Luke tried to strangle me to death. More monsters came at me, and then Percy called Mrs. O'leary and got us out while you were screaming your head off." She opened her mouth but I stepped forward and held a hand out. "Look, I'm not saying I don't get where you're coming from or whatever you used to have with Luke, and yeah, I guess I can understand your reaction, but one way or another, I have a right to be mad."

"I know," she whispered. "I'm surprised you're not hitting me right now."

I stopped. "Why would I ever hit you?" She shrugged. "I wouldn't ever hit you. Why would you think..." Because you're violent and immoral. I dropped my hands to my side and looked at the ceiling, trying to pretend that wasn't the worst thing anyone has ever thought about me. Murderer? Sure. They aren't even wrong. Bully? Again, not even wrong. But abuser? Even the thought of hitting Annabeth makes me sick to my stomach.

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