Vol. 3-1: Percy fucks up our movie

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It was a pretty hot day, so it's a good thing I was dead.

I waited patiently outside Goode High School, where Percy Jackson was having freshman orientation. He'd changed the plans to after orientation instead of after his last day of school, because tickets were way cheaper if we went today instead of a few days earlier. That was cool with me, since I was paying (with stolen money of course, but who's counting?).

I sat in the front seat of my new car, smoking a cigarette with the window cracked so it didn't stink up my car. Yes, that's right, my car. I had a car, which was pretty cool. Sure, it was a piece of shit hoopty with a clothes hanger for an antenna and broken seats, but it was my car nonetheless. You can tell because I have a picture of Annabeth hanging from my rearview mirror. It's just a candid I took while she was studying, but it's one of the only ones I have for her. Plus, it's in this cute little circular frame with ornate detailing that washed up on the beach one day. It's kind of chipped, but I think it's nice. Annabeth's picture makes it even better.

I also had my backpack in the floor, since right after the movie, I was taking Percy to his house to grab his things, and immediately after, we were heading to Camp Half-Blood. Anne and I had already driven there, having taken a road trip from San Francisco to California a few days earlier. I stayed at camp with her for a little while, fought Malcolm Pace again, and then made my way into the city to take Percy to the movies. Annabeth was being weird, though, but I tried not to let it bother me.

I checked the time, figured Percy would be out any minute, so I went ahead and got out of the car, instead choosing to lean against it and wait for Jackson. I made sure to park in the alley, like he wanted me to, so that we wouldn't have to deal with heavy foot traffic and could make it to the movie on time. There were still a few people around the alley, but I had the only car, so we'd still get out pretty fast.

A few people looked at me weirdly. I was the youngest person present to pick up a student. Everyone else was grabbing their kids or even their grandkids.

"Little brother," I said, despite how much those words made me want to puke.

Everyone accepted that and moved on.

Suddenly, a little earlier than expected, Percy burst out of the building, nearly crashing into me.

"Get off, you worm!" I grunted, shoving him off of me. "The hell are you doing?"

For a second, everything was fine. I was wearing jeans and one of Annabeth's shirts from a museum gift shop, though it was kind of tight on me since I'm a lot bigger than her. Percy was just some loser in jeans that fit weirdly and a shirt he clearly had owned since he was twelve. I was annoyed and he was annoying, and I was about to punch him before we went to the movies. Sounds about normal.

Then I saw his panicked, sea green eyes, and the redness on his face. He was sweaty and out of breath, and he couldn't seem to focus on anything.

"Uh... dude, you-"

Then a girl suddenly burst into the alley right behind him, yelling, "Percy, wait up!"

She was very pretty, with curly red hair and bright green eyes. She was about Percy's height, pale, covered in freckles, and her clothes had some paint and ink stains on them. Unfortunately, I couldn't appreciate her cuteness because I noticed immediately that she was covered in monster dust.

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