Vol. 3-20: Hot girl and desert island? NOOOOOOOO

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I screamed right up until I slammed straight into the ocean. Most of my bones broke, but they quickly snapped right back together and I swam up, breaking through the water. In three directions, I could see nothing but beautiful, glimmering seawater and a clear horizon. In the final direction, I saw a real pretty island. One teeming with life. A breeze blew from it, and I could smell juniper and cedar and a bunch of other sweet-scented plants. The honeysuckle reminded me of New Orleans.

I had no other option, so I swam toward it, and realized most of my clothes were burned. Yikes. I hoped whoever was on this island wouldn't be afraid of a rather rough-looking fifteen-year-old showing up unannounced.

I got to the island and stepped onto the sand, which crunched beneath my feet since my shoes and most of my socks had been scorched to dust. The white shore stretched on for a while before turning into a place teeming with various plants, none of which should've been native to one single island- palm trees and pine, rose bushes and spangles, tomato plants and sugar cane. They all grew around each other like they didn't have different requirements and native zones, yet every single one was flourishing.

"Who goes there?"

I snapped my head to the left. I saw a girl standing there, her caramel hair messily braided down a shoulder. Her skin was tan and she wore a classic Greek dress that flowed flatteringly over her form. She had one of those timeless faces, kind of like Aphrodite, but hers didn't shift every four seconds, kind of like Hera. She had horribly familiar features, actually- an upturned nose and dark almond eyes, giving her that regal appearance. At first glance, she might not look like Zoe Nightshade, but the curve of her lips and sharp point of her chin and cheekbones reminded me all too much of the Huntress.

I put my hands on my hips and turned to her. "Yo. You run this place?"

She was holding a basket, but she suddenly dropped it and looked at me like I was scum. That also reminded me way too much of Zoe. "Excuse me?"

"Is there anyone else here?" I asked, waving my hand to the general island.

"It is just me." She huffed and raised her head. "What is your name?"

"Tempest Montgomery," I told her. "You got a phone?"

"I- What's a phone?"

I deadpanned. "You're not fuckin' for real."

She wrinkled her face and started marching over to me. "Don't speak to me like that! Some of us can't help it! And just who do you think you are anyway, barging onto my island and speaking to me like- like I'm some sort of cretin?"

Ugh, now she reminded me of Annabeth and Zoe Nightshade. I can't catch a break. I glared at her and said, "Hey, gimme a break! I just blew up a mountain, got stranded somewhere completely foreign, and my Mighty Ducks jersey has been blasted to shreds! How about you tell me who you are so I can kick your ass and spit on your name while doing it?!"

Call me short tempered, but I do think my irritation was valid.

She huffed and crossed her arms. "Very well. Tempest Montgomery, I am Calypso, ruler of Ogy-"

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