Vol. 2.5-10: That is some interesting info. Okay.

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"So, how was the chapel?" Dad asked, swirling a forkful of spaghetti. I hate spaghetti night because I have to suffer through the sounds of my brothers slurping up the noodles in that obnoxious way.

"They tore it down," I answered. Tempest grabbed her iced tea and took a sip.

"Food's great, Mrs. Chase," she said. It's weird to see her so respectful to my stepmother, since I've seen her call Chiron a "right cunt" in the past.

"Thank you, Tempest," Leah smiled.

"Why'd they tear it down?" Dad frowned. "I thought they were supposed to wait until after New Years."

"They tore it down early," I answered, scarfing down my food. Tempest followed my model, and within maybe three more minutes, our plates were wiped clean and our glasses were empty. "Thanks for the food, Leah." Tempest took my plate to the sink and began to wash it alongside hers, while I moved to the junk drawer next to the sink to find paperclips.

"What are you doing?" Dad questioned.

"Girly things," I answered, finding a collection of paperclips. I also found some whiteout, which I figured might come in handy. Tempest finished washing the dishes and quickly dried them off with a washcloth.

She looked at me. "I thought we were going to the library."

"No, that's tomorrow."

"The library is closed tomorrow and the day after for New Year's!"

"But it's six o' clock and it closes at seven!"

"We either go now, or we go in two more days," Tempest pointed out.

"What- the library?" Dad asked, bewildered.

I ignored him. "We have enough information here to start piling together."

"Yeah, because 'enough information' is the birthdays of the people involved and the dates everything happened," Tempest pointed out. "We have no specifics, locations, theories, statements-"

"We have to start somewhere!"

"Somewhere being THE LIBRARY!"

"It's already dark out! I don't wanna-"

Tempest slammed her fist on her palm, shutting me up. "Alright, rock-paper-scissors to settle this like real girls."

I rolled my eyes, but obliged. Tempest won, making me groan and claw my face as I went to put on my shoes. "This is stupid. It'll take half an hour to get there, and-"

"Bro, libraries let you rent books."

"Not if you don't have a library card!"

She stared at me in horror. "Annabeth Chase doesn't have a library card?!"

"I literally just moved here," I argued. She raised an eyebrow as I pulled on my sneakers and shot to my feet. "Okay, let's go."

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