Chapter IV: The Visit

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Kayla and Austin were leaving. They didn't want to, but they had to. "We'll keep in touch," Kayla said. "Tell us if you find anything," Austin said. "We will, and the same goes to you two!" Hazel said. Nico had no part in the interaction. He stood on the sidelines until Kayla said, "bye Nico!" "Bye Kayla, Austin," he said. Austin waved and they left.

Over the next few weeks, there was no sign of the Golden Prince. No letter from Kayla or Austin about him, either. Until one day. The Golden Prince finally showed up.

The visit was brief. The Golden Prince showed up in library in the castle. Hazel and Nico went in, and he was just standing there, wearing the same outfit he was wearing when they first saw him. "You got a haircut," the Golden Prince said, referring to Nico. "Uhh yeah," Nico said. "Where'd you come from?" Hazel asked. "The Golden Kingdom," The Golden Prince said. "Yeah but how'd you get here?" She asked. "I— how do I put this— used light," he said. "That doesn't answer my question," she said. "Actually it does, you just don't understand it," he replied. "What do you want and why are you here?" Nico asked. The Golden Prince chuckled. "Am I not allowed to visit?" He asked. "The royal guards could find you and take you prisoner," Nico said. "And I would escape," The Golden Prince said. "How? It's impossible," Hazel asked. The Golden Prince shook his head.

"Well, I have to go. It was good to have an actual conversation with you two again," he said. Then, he disappeared right in front of Nico's eyes. "What the—" he said.

Nico and Hazel decided to contact Kayla and Austin immediately. They wrote a letter and sent it. Within two weeks, an answer came.

"Nico and Hazel,

That does not sound crazy. It happened to us as well. We were planning to contact you two about it soon. We received your letter before we could.

When The Golden Prince arrived, Austin secretly took a picture of him. Why? So we could see if he looks anything like Will from what we can see of his face. We haven't figured anything out yet.

With this letter is the photo Austin took and our most recent photo of Will for reference. We hope it helps.

Sincerely, Princess Kayla Knowles of the Sun Kingdom

P.S. I hate having to put Princess Kayla Knowles of the Sun Kingdom. I'd rather put Kayla, but my parents think otherwise."

Nico flinched at the mention of Will. He wished they would stop thinking Will was the Golden Prince. He hated thinking that Will could have left his kingdom— his family, his friends— to become a prince for a different kingdom.

Hazel looked inside of the envelope and took two pictures. One was of the Golden Prince, the other of Will.

When Nico saw that picture, he felt a stab of sadness.

Hazel was also looking at the picture with sadness in her eyes. She noticed Nico looking at her and she said, "Sorry. Nostalgia." "Same," Nico said. "Do you mind if I study the pictures for similarities?" She asked. "It's fine, I don't mind," Nico said, glad he wasn't the one to do that.

He went to his room. His mind went to Will, and how much he missed him. He found himself thinking about Will a lot recently.

Nico absentmindedly walked toward a picture in his room. A picture that he barely looked at. It was a picture of all the Princes and a Princesses of every kingdom. He didn't look at it because it was too sad. On it was Bianca and Will. Two of the people Nico had lost in his life.

Nico took a deep breath to calm himself. He sat down on his bed, trying to think about anything but Will, Bianca, and the Golden Prince. His mind wandered to random stuff. He was glad he got a break from thoughts about... yeah.

Nico laid down on his bed. He closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

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